Estimable Member
Joined: September 9, 2008 12:35 am
Topics: 7 / Replies: 122
Re: stx today,comments

greetings tammy... if you are feeling fatigued and you do not mind using herbs, here is a suggestion.... Angelica…1 part Vitex…2 parts W...

16 years ago
Re: Centipedes

scary, yes. fact of life in caribbean, yes. just shake everything you own out before you put it on....they do love shoes just like brown recluses....

16 years ago
Re: Centipedes

....Didnt think centipedes really did chase you until the other night i swear one chased me. i ran out of my flipflops and so i didnt have any defense...

16 years ago
Re: Centipedes

....Centipedes have a lot of spunk and can be pretty aggressive. I have seen them cut in have and both ends will still chase you down. YOU GOT T...

16 years ago
Re: 02 Cavalier for sale in St. Croix

sometimes that computer can be re set.....if there is a parts store there and they have the hand held machine thingy, oft times they can hook it up to...

16 years ago
Re: Powder Post Beetles

my only sugggestion might be to check the length of the lifecycle of the bugs on the internet. if the bugs only live a short while, you might want to ...

16 years ago
Re: Virgin Island Constitution approved

....the only other part that i see that might get some people's panties in a wad is in the bill of rights.... article I, section 18, states that the...

16 years ago
Re: Midwives

greets well, this was in 81. i had a midwife. at that time, sometimes ones had natural childbirth at home and some probably still do. my mi...

16 years ago
Re: Virgin Island Constitution approved

it is not taking away your rights. it is giving certain exemptions to ones whose families BUILT THE ISLAND and WERE BATTERED, BEATEN, RAPED, and tre...

16 years ago
Re: Virgin Island Constitution approved

greetings terry... actually, i think it is the ANCESTRAL native virgin islander that would be exempt from taxation....not the native virgin islan...

16 years ago
Re: Bacon in a box

its very thin and poorly looking

16 years ago
Re: stx today,comments

greets and good morning neighbors used to tell me that they could tell when it was going to rain. they said that every time i washed my car or ...

16 years ago
Re: Bacon in a box

greetings my daughter eats meat and thinks that bacon in a box is terribly nasty, but she did say she would eat it on a sandwich if that was all ...

16 years ago
Re: Virgin Island Constitution approved

greetings and good morning i just read the proposed constitution. i truly do not see why ones are offended by it or angered in any way. it...

16 years ago
Re: Bacon in a box

thought it was.... there's a hole in the bucket dear liza dear liza........... lol

16 years ago
Re: Powder Post Beetles

BENGAL products are AWESOME !!!! they REALLY WORK...... bless

16 years ago
Re: Virgin Island Constitution approved

greetings how many people on this board that have relocated to st. croix have become permanent VI residents? by doing that it SOMETIMES gives a...

16 years ago
Re: Powder Post Beetles

greetings and good afternoon..... when infestations of "things" get too they still drape the whole houses and fog them? the termites...

16 years ago
Re: Feces in the Water

same as everywhere else in the world...outhouses and chamber pots.....

16 years ago
Re: Feces in the Water

I too find one of the best things about STX is the horses in the ocean,if you don't like it swim at a chlorinated pool. ps,fish and whales have sex ...

16 years ago
Re: What's that haze in the air??

I believe that is from dntw8up's stoggie 😀 now that was funny.....i am laughing out loud (not at dnt, but with her), as that comment took me u...

16 years ago
Re: Lime

means to chill....

16 years ago
Re: Question for cooks/gardeners

Krusan Nynyam from Mampoo Kitchen, by Laura L Moorehead 1977 pgs. 68-69 jelly making a homemade jelly is unlikely to be duplicated comme...

16 years ago
Re: How safe are the children?

good afternoon ms information..... i do not see where anyone was self righteous OR attacked you. i see seven posts that simply asked what yo...

16 years ago
Re: How safe are the children?

greetings the original post is what could be construed as racist. but since ms information has yet to raspond to the questions by MANY as to wh...

16 years ago
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