Last seen: March 3, 2025 5:50 pm
We were discussing PRIME. Just P-R-I-M-E. I have stated in almost every post that I get the Super Saver shipping technique. I have even used it succes...
Also kite surfing
Regular surfboards or wind surfboards? There is certainly windsurfing on STX but I don't know that I've seen any free surfing. Also, I think your mo...
Food Town open til 9PM. Pueblo open til 10PM Seaside Market til 8PM
I always assumed the concrete poles in FL were primarily there for hurricane resistance. Hmm, might we be able to benefit from that in the VI where ...
The poles are made out of concrete in FL:D no joke
Is it a matter of free shipping or any shipping? There are some items on BB, Amazon, and Walmart (their items, not marketplace) that for whatever rea...
Yeah I have Carlos STX owner's cell phone on speed dial, he knows me by name whenever I call.
I've become a master at using Gorilla Glue to reattach soles and straps. Been using assorted goop and contact cement and even some leftover rubber...
Bring a nice "quiet" generator Pia A Honda or little Cummins diesel, nice and quiet.
and not in beachfront accommodation lazing on the sand! Unless of course that's part of your long term plan. It's not beyond the realm of possib...
Well I had placed 6 orders in Dec ship to STX including that TV mentioned previously and had fun pleading for the free shipping (all qualified) on al...
As far as hotels go, you can check out the Ritz Carlton, Marriott Frenchman's Reef and Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville here in St. Thomas. Or some ...
Underground power lines ha! If we had that we'd probably have half the outages. The line from the pole to the big transformer outside my condo build...
UPSs I am familiar with operator as inverters. That is they convert AC to DC and back to AC again. The inverter is always running, converting DC to ...
It's not just the outages that cause the major problems, it's the irregular power flow. Turn on a fan and listen to it over the course of a day. Mine ...
My last WAPA bill was for 1kWH. We were gone for the month and the only thing I left on was the clock on the stove. That was the lowest too.
And they include delivery in their prices. And they will haul away your old stuff for a small extra charge.
The two Mitsubishi mini splits in my condo are at least 7 years old and are running just fine. (knock on cocoanuts)
2 the casino control commission is overwhelmed!!!!!!!, they'll all need raises and two more assistant commissioners. Probably ne...
It was a 6 light fixture so I supposed that helped with the odds a bit, although it did occur in between the first two bulbs. That outage was less th...
Contact a local insurance agent. Marshall-Sterling is on STX, probably on STT also. They have quoted H06 policies from Lloyd's, Island Heritage Insu...
I'm an EE in current life. Outages depending on part of island. Closer to the plant in C'sted is less outages in general for STX. Often times outag...