Last seen: March 3, 2025 5:50 pm
Sounds like you need to consult a financial adviser before RE broker.
"Senators had two options, he said, either issue bonds to meet the budget shortfall or cut government spending. They went with the former." Guess...
fdr, were the fraudulent paypal transactions sent to your email? Is that how you caught them? I mostly use paypal for ebay purchases. Screwed up ...
OldTart- i took your repost of Spartys comment as a compliment. All in the eyes of the beholder on this one. For the record so did I (before read...
If you're planning on moving end of 2017 I recommend starting PMVs sooner than this time and do more than one.
sometimes this forum IS fun Some of these threads could easily fill a page in the Sunday funnies and one would never guess where they came from. ...
Texas does not require Internet sellers to collect the USE tax. It's self-reporting by tax payer. If Texas can't figure out how to collect, I'm pretty...
I think this was it, and I think it was aired on Channel 2 The longest night Was it a documentary or a special Daily News edition? T...
Bring lots of money. Lots and lots and lots and then another 50% more.
I opened this thread expecting to find an argument but it seems more like abuse:D
I don't know about cheap but UDL on Northside Rd has lumber. Of course there is HD might have something. In the states I just use old tree trunk...
You don't need a bomb-proof home, one built to current building codes for CAT 5 hurricane resistance, concrete, steel, proper roof, proper hurricane s...
Time to watch Chris Hanley's video again.
I was under the impression that nudity was encouraged everywhere in the USVI. Ha! Nudity is encouraged in the VI if you know where to look! ...
What's wrong with the frogs?
When you get bored with all the fun chores there is always the beach, diving, swimming, snorkeling, hiking, diving, volunteering at the animal shelter...
The facility was broken into and all the new wiring stolen. They can steal wire to bring to the recycling place but complain about recyclin...
Hmm, ShippingPass to VI but not with 2-day shipping. More details on what is eligible with ShippingPass: FREE 2-day shipping-Nearly all address...
Rates are still low right now, inventories are shrinking, and prices are slowly rising. Those kinds of things are usually a plus for buying. or ...
Perhaps they are looking for qualified board members.
Keep in mind it's typically advised to rent a while before buying and many rentals may not allow dogs.
Rent first for sure. And do several PMVs before that. Judith's Fancy is center island, West of C'sted.
"Claim you do recreational sailing" or as the law calls it fraud. Voila Sure, just take a trip out to Buck Island with Capt Llewellyn once a year...
I think I recall seeing Mitsubishis at Quality Electric last time I was there. They may have others. I've had no issues with my Mitsubishis, they ...
And milk is like $6 gallon so you might need to use Paradise Rum on your cereal.