Last seen: March 3, 2025 5:50 pm
Bahamas will even pay for plane tickets to outer islands I think
What does you insurance company have to say about it?
This is nothing new. The USVI Tourism Bureau has been providing vouchers/coupons for years as part of accommodation booking promotion. Guests pickup...
Maybe you can under under pay it this year and then use the refund they owe you to pay the next bill.
Also filter on Retailer and Ship to Home to filter out a lot of stuff that won't ship.
WOW Alana, great information, your post should be a sticky in the moving section for those looking to move with their dog(s). Except the airlines...
If you cannot get out of the VI, you can charter fly your pets to San Juan for more options onto the mainland. So presumably the reverse would be...
My first car rusted so bad that the brake lines rusted through, the rotors had to be replaced and the the body starter getting holes in it. Tip: ...
BTW - I report rental income on my tax return though almost always take a loss after expenses. I suspect that would be the case with most short t...
I think inspection is like $10 and registration is something like $34 to $91 depending on vehicle weight. Insurance of course will vary be vehicle....
You should plan to rent for a year or two until you are sure you want to commit to long term living on island and where you want to be. It can take m...
The folks that previously owned our condo had been renting it out long term for a few years after they left the island. Probably did not have a licen...
$5-600 3-4 x's a year doesn't sound all that bad. Do the math. Insurance, annual registration, annual inspection, maintenance, repairs, it all adds ...
The remaining islanders in what had now become the United States Virgin Islands had been looking forward to improved living conditions under American ...
But, I signed up and will have affordable health and dental care, at last, until the republicans screw that up and am looking forward to being closer ...
Have to say, Airlines suck these days. What? After all those mergers with claims of the many benefits coming to the flying public now that they ...
A real Realtor, in addition to having a real estate sales license, is a member of the National Association of Realtors. Who is suggesting otherwi...
Parking.... People park wherever they want, no regard for signs or handicap spaces. I was in a parking spot on NYE in the Seaborne lot and some dude j...
Not enough spray paint at HD to cover potholes on mohogany. For sure. Need a paint bucket and heavy nap roller cover. Perhaps a nice can of not...
Add to that you must do several pre-move visits, not vacation oriented so you can learn some of these things first hand before making the move decisio...
What's shameful is the pothole patrol driving ahead of Biden's VIP entourage filling the potholes as they go. We should send some of those shame pict...
A buyer's agent gets the commission directly from the buyer. I've never paid a buyer's agent directly. They were always paid from split commissi...
Never ever buy a rental car. It has had about ten thousand previous owners that did not give a crap how they treated it. Especially an island rental. ...