Last seen: March 3, 2025 5:50 pm
Weren’t you living in Florida when both Irma and Maria hit the VI? That was Alana.
We've done OK with appliances from Carlos. Royal usually has a few also. You can certainly price shop HD, they may have some deals on 4th of July sal...
We lost a lot of dem hens and roosters in Maria. Nice for a change.
You know what they say, if you want if done right, do it yourself. Seems just about every project I try to get estimates on, I just end up doing it ...
The only time I went to PR after living there for a few years was when one of my pups needed orthopedic surgery. One thing you will find is not e...
Thanks everyone for your input...have done some further research now and am thinking’s live streaming residential service for $99.95 may ...
You can usually get free shipping to a stateside address if you have family/friends that will re-mail to you. Or free shipping to a freight forwarder...
Did a quick check yesterday on, looks like no Medigap plans available in the VI. No surprise.
Retractable and sliders are two different things. I have triple sliders on STX, would rather have a double fully retractable.
The market price appraisal includes the entire property including land. Insurance doesn't cover land and neither should replacement cost. In the cas...
In today's Daily News: Sargassum seaweed can be used as fertilizer or mulch in the garden, according to BVI acting Chief Conservation and F...
My rate didn't change for the VI policy but the amount of paperwork to sign and information required did. They also included a section on underinsur...
Why wouldn't sails have UV protection?
I agree the barking dogs across the street are the worst. At least it's not 24hrs a day but it seems to start up at the drop of a pin.
I've had a ClearView screen on my French doors on the house in NC for several years now that's held up and works well. Probably only dealer installed...
Coqui; not just a beach
You mean a smart Blue ray player? Did you try a network cable connection first before WIFI?
My premium for the condo is about 2.75% and the deductible for non-windstorm/earthquake is $1000. Deductible for windstorm/earthquake is 3% of insure...
Amazon uses USPS to VI. FEDEX/UPS is considered international shipping to VI, more expensive and more paperwork for the shipper. Best Buy shippe...
Gary Ousley has a carpentry shop in Gallows Bay next to the hair salon. Maybe he could do the repair at least. 340.690.6286
Scubadoo, the person I asked at DPNR doesn't think the agency has anything to do with net metering. I'll check with WAPA STT when I'm in that area aga...
So do you want me to ask? Sure why not if you are there. Maybe they may have more to say about it. Then I just need WAPA to tell me what th...
I was going to ask them (permits) if electric submetering is allowed in the VI. I was able to get WAPA to answer the phone this afternoon and they sa...
Article says last reported sighting was in Altona Lagoon. I've often wondered if the lagoon is any good for snorkeling? I've seen a lot of small fish ...