Last seen: March 3, 2025 5:50 pm
I already renewed mine for the condo in January. It went down some. Our condo HOA renewed in June. It went up some, but much less than others as we...
So goes the market. Buy low, sell high. Eventually there will be another downturn. The stock market has been in the toilet lately.
I don't know about owners but fcss and coconuts were both pretty much wiped out from Maria. Doubt you would want to invest in major construction when...
Well there's only 147 active/pending house listings island wide and 87 of those are under $800K not counting condos.
I have a rental rider on our condo insurance with M&S (Lloyd's) which increases the premium a small amount and also causes theft of contents to be exc...
Marshall & Sterling
My theory is there is only so much asphalt on the island. If you want to fill in a pothole you must first create another pothole to get the asphalt to...
Even east end is not safe
I disagree with any wild animals being kept in captivity unless they are threatened if released into the wild such as if they were raised as babies an...
It's frustrating to see perfect utility patch jobs that life look like nothing ever happened (in the states at least) and thenhave crappy patch jobs t...
We have a lot of roads resurfaced within the past year on STX thanks to Maria. It's a nice change to ride on a few smooth rds. Still a ways to go. ...
There was a boxer support animal flying in cabin on my flight into Stx last week on that sucky plane. I guess they don't have to be in carriers eithe...
Plan on getting car insurance as well. Any existing policy will typically only cover about 3 weeks of rental.
American just put a new Boeing 737 Max 8 from Miami to STX. Would this be the cause? That plane sucks. I don't know about cargo but dogs ce...
those red lights are turtle "friendly" -- and are being installed by WAPA in designated areas... That makes WAY too much sense for WAPA to be doi...
Saw a nice MB on Melvin Evans hwy today rear ended good. Police and fire department on scene. I see a lot of MBs driving on STX, mostly late model. ...
I've used Bengoa’s Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
The VI has been fighting Walmart for years if not decades to keep them from coming in, which would be a good thing with bad consequences. mike ...
MB parts are readily available in the states, and probably PR. I doubt there'd be a wait any longer than a Jeep part coming from the states. If you ...
We have two Kmarts at Sunny Isle STX. What's the other one with the brand new Kmart sign where Sears appliances was, is that now Kmart/Sears applianc...
As soon as I lifted the first cardboard flap open, about a hundred thousand white styrofoam peanuts got swept up in the breeze and went flying everywh...
4079849974 julio i am located in saintcrox christian sted You make house calls to St John?
They don't have a giant chipper to turn it into compost?
Electric cars are actually great for these conditions. Tons of torque, great for hills, and the range is far better at low speeds and with hills (reg...
It really is quite arrogant of any of us to believe we can halt climate change. Halt it no. But if humans are responsible for accelerating it s...