Last seen: March 3, 2025 5:50 pm
Advance car rental reservations are a must however availability has typically been showing for only a few weeks out. Of course the rates are higher f...
Lots of options on STX although may be a little hard to come by nowadays due to FEMA/Maria recovery workers on island and refinery starting up. Ball ...
Food truck is the way to go but doubt they can get a liquor license. Maybe beer. There are several folks with less than a food truck, just a big BBQ...
Come with an armful of cash and an open mind. Rentals are scarce on all islands right now but especially STJ which doesn't have much to begin with. B...
Coconuts on the Beach on West end is no more. Not sure if it closed before Maria or if Maria did it in, but there's nothing left of the place last I ...
Yeah, can't wait for the price increase.
There are lots of things for realtors to do depending on the situation. You may have buyers agents as well as sellers. They can act as somewhat inde...
A FEMA worker told me in Oct that they were supposed to be done by April 15.
Same as always typically 6% paid by seller
That explains the big empty spaces there.
Boynes Trucking looks like they are on STJ, do they service STT and STX?
I have no problem with staying logged in on laptop or on the iphone. Even after rebooting.
Rentals are in short supply right now with repair contractors and refinery workers on island. Even MLS inventory is very low. Many rentals come furn...
Dunno but FWIW I can still watch live using my Viya login.
We've not had issues with our metal bed frames. Even if the frame under the box spring gets a little surface rust it's not going to hurt anything as ...
Sears wins reprieve from liquidation as Chairman Lampert makes last-minute bid on bankrupt company Department store chain Sears won a reprieve from li...
Well even the imogis are drab, no color and microscopic in the selection window. What's up with that? And the selection is awful compared to what we...
We are US soil, we have a Federal Building on STX as well as USPS offices. The Federal Building is easy to find, it's the only one on the island that...
"WAPA ALERTS: Electrical service has been restored to customers on St. Croix with the exception of those on Feeders 6A and 10A following a island-wide...
I don't know that busy is how I would describe it but I think the main page is quite drab, with not much color contrast everything washes together
I use Glass 2000 near 5 corners for shower and window glass, Edgar does a great job. They also do auto glass. I expect they are very busy like every...
I liked the little red flags indicating unread messages and the ability to click any page of a multi-page thread from the main forum page that were on...
Hmm, does that include the one yesterday? MAN SHOT TO DEATH WEDNESDAY MORNING IN ST. THOMAS
Really? East or West?
CONGRESS MOVES TO BAN COCKFIGHTING IN USVI, PR "Cockfighting, which has a thriving industry in Puerto Rico, is said to employ 27,000 people and genera...