Last seen: July 21, 2020 10:11 am
Same to you Dixie
I prefer seasoned lol at least that is what they cll us teachers in Ny that or veterans
I am soooooooooooooooo glad my son in law is here . He did all the shoveling.. LOL Hubby is too old guess its time for a snow blower or permanent mo...
OMG if he thinks 57 is old then what am I???
Welcome to the board and St Croix 🙂
27 degrees and falling 🙁
fabric and craft supplies.. US Virgin Island is in the pull down menu
Reefer lol I am too old. I wont tell you what came to mind
Not a peep
Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much Deidre
I am asking because I looked in the phone book and those numbers are out of order 🙁 Deidre
Thank you for clearing that up 🙂
./cry i can not see him Is it me or is it memorex?
I did not mean to be prudish or anything like that. I just was wondering how many of these people walk around their town like that. I have been to s...
I did not take it any other way Trade 🙂
I dont know Cyber Monday has a weird ring to ti.
Sigh. When I cruise I buy tee shirts and shot glasses so I guess I am not helping the economy of the islands I visit, but then again that was not my p...
Probably because the jail would fill up!
The only other place that I have seen this type of dress ( and its accepted there) is Venice California.
I don't know . The cruise ship photos like everything else on board are expensive. LOL Hubby says expensive is relative