Last seen: February 21, 2019 8:13 am
It sounds like St. Croix.
So should i set my sights more on STJ? Sure, if money is not an issue. 95% of the USVI lives on STX and STT, and they are OK with it.
Where and what is Coconut Vine?
In addition: STX is the least expensive island, mostly because of lower real estate prices. This is partly due to a larger supply of land vs. the...
Is this the thread you want, from Sept/Oct 2011? Subject: "Good STT celebratory lunch spot?"
For travel between STT and STX, almost everybody flies. If it involves something really heavy, then you find a shipping company.
I would bring the dogs and people all at once, to save time and money. I think some taxi drivers will do it if the dogs are crated. Try to find short-...
There is currently no ferry running between STT and STX. When it ran, it was for passengers and small cargo only, not cars. See this old thread f...
A related article:
It's probably easier to ship the car from the New York metro area directly to STX. I don't have a specific company to recommend, but you could use a f...
I just searchedbut didn't find any DIY truck rental on STX. There are lots of trucking and moving companies though. Hopefully somebody else on this bo...
I thought this was interesting: "Most 18-29 Year Olds Unaware Of What Supreme Court Ruled On Health Care Law: Pew Research Survey" "Young adu...
First place I'd look is VBRO. I think he means
The East End is safe. There is Seven Hills, tipparary, Seiera Verde, Cotton Valley, Catherines Hope, Teague Bay, about 10 miles to town and nice breez...
Gentle Winds is a nice complex, well-maintained. I know some of the owners and they like it. A lot of the units are rented out to vacationers, and/or ...
(I'm guessing front end alignments are not that important, because I'm not really getting any feedback.) Maybe because of the driving conditions ...
On North Shore STX (feeder 6), we were powerless today from 9:17am to 10:35am.
Here are two previous responses about HealthCare International from Carlstx, an insurance agent on STX:
An explanation of extended power outages on the mainland: Summary: Above-ground power lines are vulnerable to damange from worsening weather due t...
Only this remains unquestioned: "2. ANSWER: Between 500 and 1500lbs." - Question #2 from Doug. What is the atmospheric pressure per square i...
"When you buy quality, you only cry once," is a saying I heard.
While waiting for ISS, how about a quick game of Jeopardy! 1. ANSWER: About 1000mph 2. ANSWER: Between 500 and 1500lbs. 3. ANSWER: Approxima...
What is, "Those answers seem too ambiguous to have one correct question?"
We have whole house surge protectors. I don't know what brand. They seem to be working, as we've had no problems in the 6 or so years since we install...
From "Individual Health Insurance Still a Hot Topic" It's a long article. Some highlights: Nobody is writing new individual health insur...