Last seen: November 26, 2023 12:24 pm
Budget $200 for water and electric. More if you are planning to use AC. If living on the boat I would rather opt for mooring or hook especially if you...
Thank you for this very informative report. I had a lot of fun reading it. BVI is a great place to relax especially later in the season when the touri...
I keep a sailboat at Benner bay. I do not live on the boat so I can't comment on broadband Internet access but AT&T LGE network works well. The marina...
Pricing in American healthcare is disengaged from value. It is also disengaged from cost of service. Every service will be reimbursed differently...
OT, I personally know several expats running business from Costa Rica. Lots of stuff can be done remotely via Internet. A friend of mine relocated h...
Just a realist. Imagine self employed couple, high income professionals leaving here and doing business over Internet and generating half a mill...
That plan from VIHCare is total utopia. Money administered by local commission is a problem of sticky hands, cronyism etc. Just look at the gov r...
For these that do not work the only options are Medicare, Medicaid or Tricare. Since there is no private individual insurance option one must work and...
Vikanuk must have gotten grandfathered. Above is the response I got from Cigna Global on August 5 2015.
Thank you for your enquiry to Cigna Global. Unfortunately Cigna Global are unable to provide cover for anyone travelling to the US Virgin I...
Pizza is a once per month treat. It can be fine meal or total nutritional incinerator. Be careful what you consume on a daily basis. Balanced, home co...
I applied for Cigna Global about 6 months ago. I have dual EU and US citizenship. Applied under EU passport w risidency in USVI. The response I got wa...
Hospitals are more open to negotiation now for cash upfront discount deals for routine services. However, chronic disease such as cancer treatment, rh...
just remember-no individual health insurance in the virgin islands exists at this time at all Except for real ex-pats (from other countries) I believ...
It is a good news for these still attached to cable TV. I cut the cord 3 years ago. Never looked back. I have more time on my hands and I feed ha...
Some people are risk takers. We can't change that. What is important here is that piracy is extremely rare in VI, Wiindward and Leaward islands. Pra...
Good info Pam, We should start a new tread with recommended shopping and contractor contacts. I am sure we all had our share of the good, the bad an...
Life long sailor. Know many full time cruisers. Follow the periodicals. This has been published in Blue Water Sailing IIRC. STT is my sailing base for...
Only about 20% full time cruisers carry fire arms on board. Carrying a gun is nuisance because it has to be declared, gets deposited with local author...
Let's see. This guy is 70 years old. He is French sailing from Bahamas to Guadelupe where fire arm possession is illegal. How likely it is that he...
I hope you didn't take me seriously. Trump is by far only good for TV entertainment. With Kardashians!
I would go even further. Once he loses his presidential bid, offer VI to Donald and rename it Trump Islands or Trump Virgins. He would develop the t...
So the plan is to built a national call center. That is where that job creation project is all about. Does that make any sense? Call centers provide a...
I agree. It is an open market and there is a need for services but one needs venture capital, enterpreneuors, qualified tech types, non corrupt gov an...
I red the article link from OP. Interestingly the CEO of VINGN is talking about STX becoming second Silicon Valley. Where this delusions of grandios...