Last seen: November 26, 2023 12:24 pm
Sorry for the late entry but the site confused my with the bot.:X I am talking here about cortisone injection into the wrist. This procedure used...
"pre-analize which design" That is a very apt description of what you will be feeling, and where, during this project. (tu):@)
Perhaps OT will find it more relevant. This is from NPR: "I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists. I visited a hand surgeon at his office ...
The game is greed. CEO of Mylan pays herselve $18M salary this year. She succesfully doubled the price of EpiPen overnight after all. And we get ...
EpiPen story is a testimony to failure of American healthcare. Epinephrine has been around as a medication for 100 years. The vial of epinephrine co...
Our government messed up healthcare on the mainland. Why would anybody think that VI government can manage healthcare in the islands any better? Is ...
STT real estate is way more expensive than FL. Any additional improvements to the house cost a fortune. It seems STX is less expensive as far as ...
300-500$ sqft is realistic.
If this is cash over $10K you are bringing with you better have documentation where you got it from. CBP TSA and DEA can confiscate undocumented cash....
I buy 12 Mps from Inovative and consistently get 11-12 download speeds. The service has been mostly reliable and it is relatively easy to get hold of ...
I found great app for IPhone IPad called Storm. It's free and unbelievably useful.
Spend money on dinghy if you work close to the STT waterfront. Perhaps you can get by w/o the car.
And there are so many attention needing feet on this island that we could use 100 podiatrists on a full time basis.
Will the marina survive after the sale? Not too many places to dock the boat on STX.
VI is probably not much different but it's harder to find any reference to substantiate the claim. While PR got small amount of attention in the press...
There are towns in PR where nearly everybody is on disability or workers comp. Also, 30% of population reports NO INCOME. PR population are the m...
i hope the Feds will take over soon just like in PR. The VI lottery budget is quite interesting.
Did the power come back on North Side? Does it come back periodically? I am off the island and concerned about my freezer status?
FYI /blockquote> From 2012.
When I arrived here I was told two important things: avoid Coki Beach, night clubs and area behind Windward Hotel.
I was talking to one of the vendors here who told me the get international health insurance policy by UK underwriter and get provisions for emergency ...
Debt clock is a very cool and scary website. Lots of interesting data over there.
If you know another person it the same predicament you can try forming a small group and get United group policy. As an alternative buy catastrop...