Last seen: November 26, 2023 12:24 pm
No outages on mid North Side. Must be local problem.
I can feel a troll all over. But plenty on abandoned vessels in Benner bay. Just move in and live like a renegade. Bunch of boats on CL for sale tha...
Unfortunately apresals are fairly bogus here as the pool of comps is very small. Also apresers always want to know the sale price and arrive at the nu...
That is why you need catastrophic coverage only. Get insurance with $20K deductible and self insure for the rest. However, medical services for c...
I think the moorings in Chrismass cove are 95% DPNR but are not well maintained. There maybe 2 or 3 commercial moorings IIRC. STJ floating bar is...
I have never dealt with RE where county tax appraised value was HIGHER than market value. If that is the case then one could petition to lower the tax...
What is Real estate comission? I thought stamp tax is a fee collected at the time of transaction. How could there be a discrepancy?
I used them from JAX to STT. Experience was good.
I am surprised that health insurance covers marriage counseling. I thought this is a C&C business. Unless it falls under mental health defects ...
Got the pm. The site is acting up. Thanks.
Alana, I didn't get any new PMs. Try again. Thanks.
$750 is not bad if deductible is low and there is 100% coverage after deductible is met. BTW BEFORE OBAMACARE I was paying $195 with $3000 deductible ...
Not sure if home inspector will do. The one I used on house purchase costs me at least $100K in missed items. Perhaps having a civil engineer taking a...
It was a very welcome attraction at Christmas cove. I have had their pizza on two occasions coming back from long distance sails and that pie was pric...
Boat insurance with hurricane coverage is three times what I used to pay in Annapolis MD. Also, dock fees are $1000+ Are twice of Annapolis area price...
I have both address and citizenship but was turned down by Cigna Global because I reside in USVI. They do not issue new policies for USVI. Canuck mus...
I just received my United Health Care renewal and my current plan is not being offered so I have to take the next available UHC option in which the mo...
Indeed Ivo delivered. Getting 16/5 with 11 ms!
A Cure for Swelling Drug Prices: Competition - The Wall Street Journal
There were no injuries. The material damage was minimal as all cars involved were of 1980 vintage. Essentially bumper cars.
No I did not. The victims caught up with the culprit guy. I offered to be a witnes but all this involved very local crowd and they decided to sort it ...
Pathetic. In a meantime most small businesses on the island fiction strictly in cash economy. I am sure my plumber, electrician, handyman and mason ...