Juanita: They originally said they used UPS and figured the price would be about $25 but I venture to guess that when they actually computed the UPS ...
Just got the invoice and the shipping was $11.40 via USPS Priority Mail.
Good article and fun to read, Now I goin 'to come back (translation in this context, "I'm going off the forum but will be back in a while..." ) Chee...
Given the number of autos for sale on the islands (particularly gven our transient society), the relatvely recent substantial increase in shipping cos...
When you've lived here long enough - or, even if not, if you're motivated - you do get to know from whom to buy. The fishermen who sell out of th...
Thanks for the responses which pretty much gave me the info I needed - i.e. that GOOD covers aren't available here. And yes, the machines are going t...
jenn: On STT you could try Bowsky Auto Sales and Car Rentals at 340- 779-2600. I haven't used them personally but have had friends and customers who...
There is statistically, about a 10 degree extreme difference between summer and winter temperatures here on STT and also depending on where you live, ...
Would help to know which island. FI is on STT and Alexandra is on STX. Cheers!
Paul Golden continues to have innumerable financial problems and it'll be interesting to see if the PFA follows through on its latest demand that he b...
birdz17: as good as your intentions may well be, it's VERY hard to find a long-term rental in any of the USVIs unless you're physically here so that ...
Thanks for the link, dntw8up. And, Mell, it was indeed St Vincent. All printed out and ready for the young chef's next visit here which will probabl...
A far as banking is concerned, I started with Barclays over 20 years ago and then they were bought by The Bank of Novia Scotia. Despite some sometim...
Now I got it! So did shannah buy a lemon and, if so,did she fiix the lemon? I might sort of venture yes but shannah's going to have to speak on...
congasan: I think your dream is going to be very hard to reach. Not entirely impossible but infinitely more difficult than you might imagine. Alexa...
Mell, do you have a link to the story so I can verify/print out? I sailed the Grenadines years ago, great memories but nowhere near the joy of i...
Dear Volunteer, You probably have no idea of the multitude of nuts and newbies who come here and how leery so many of us are who have not only en...
Betty - sorry but have to disagree. Some people are highly allergic to animal hair/dander and a cat or a dog in a shipping crate in a taxi is probabl...
Ronnie can probably answer this better than I (I have a problem with dates, in particular!) but STX unfortunately lost the majority of its cruise ship...
"Who wants cruise ships anyway?" The pp spending of cruise ship passengers has statistically dropped over the years. However, many cruise ship p...
One big tip that you've surely read on the majority of posts is NOT to sell everything right away. As excited as you are, the reality is that island ...
You really should invest in at least one or two serious PMVs/
Well, because my local vet knows what I do, it's basically what the Humae Society charges which is about $45. Same for cats or dogs. Cheers, dear! ...
shm: I guess my response to this post won't be in the least bit helpful but the post itself just regurgitates a problem I've had for a few years now ...