Eminent Member
Joined: February 10, 2015 1:12 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 34
Re: What is the "REAL" Situation on STT & STJ

I live Northside STT and the roads are getting better. Still pretty crazy. Had to go to Red Hook yesterday to help a friend and that trip was beyond e...

7 years ago
Re: Actual cost to ship boxes of household goods to STX

I don't recall how long the media mail boxes took, but it wasn't that far off the other boxes. Sorry but that's all I remember. I should have kept b...

8 years ago
Re: Actual cost to ship boxes of household goods to STX

Go to the USPS website to calculate the cost of shipping a box. Enter in your current zip and the zip for STX, then enter the box size and weight and...

8 years ago
Re: Relocating this summer

We have several Philippino teachers here that have several years to obtain their Praxis certification. So you could spread that cost out. Plus, you ...

8 years ago
Re: Relocating this summer

As far as public schools go. Do you have a teaching certificate? Have you taken and passed the Praxis 1 and 2 tests? If so, you should be fine to t...

8 years ago
Re: teacher

Not too sure how substitute teaching works here. It's my first year and at my public high school if I'm off a day (sick or personal) my students don'...

8 years ago
Re: teachers

Hello, I sent you a PM.

8 years ago
Re: coming for a pre-locating visit or not

Go to "vide.vi" and look under divisions and you should find HR and the documents needed.

8 years ago
Re: coming for a pre-locating visit or not

Hello, I can only talk about the public school route that I encountered on STT. It is certainly best to go to the HR website and obtain all the req...

8 years ago
Re: New Years Eve

Hull Bay is having live music starting at 8:00. Then stopping around 11:30 for the ball drop and then another band starts up until the wee hours.

8 years ago
Re: Teaching leads

The pay is lower than the States but there are a dozen Philipino teachers that I work with that are on their second year and plan to do more. This is...

8 years ago
Re: Teaching leads

Have you tried HR at the public schools?

8 years ago
Re: Sell car, buy truck/jeep???

I tried 2 bags of sand (50 lbs each) but still wasn't happy with it.

9 years ago
Re: Sell car, buy truck/jeep???

I recently shipped to the island a 2002 Ford Ranger, 4 cylinder. In hindsight, I should have gone for the 6 cylinder because the difference in gas mi...

9 years ago
Re: Any Teachers on the Forum?

Hi JerseyGirl, PM me and I'll give you my phone number and we can chat. I'm here now and getting settled. Cheers

9 years ago
Re: Notarized Bill of Sale for Vehicle

Yeah, well it didn't make sense to me neither but I just figured I needed to get the job done no matter what it took. My wife and I just think this a...

9 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 2217
Re: Old boat from Shawshank Redemption

OT, you are a hoot. Thanks for the chuckle!

9 years ago
Re: Teacher Protest in Front of STT Legislature

I'm certainly paying close attention but...I'm still coming to a high school near you. In for a penny in for a pound as they say. Who would want to ...

9 years ago
Re: $1600.00 to transport vehicle from West Palm to St. Thomas quote........................

Recent quote from Logistics Int. was $1300 for small Ford Ranger from Miami to STT.

9 years ago
Re: Stacey Plaskett's snub to President Obama on Cuba delegation

Face time with the President. What a missed opportunity no matter what your political beliefs.

9 years ago
Re: Any Teachers on the Forum?

Hello blreburn, I'm pretty much like you. I have a contract in hand and will be making the move on June 20. I don't know which high school on S...

9 years ago
Re: Schools

bi-weekly I believe.

9 years ago
Re: Headlight Adjustments

Glad to hear that stuff does work but I wasn't sure how well and if the "graying" would return. So for $45 bucks I got the two assy. and bulbs. I'll...

9 years ago
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