Honorable Member
Joined: August 14, 2012 1:29 pm
Last seen: April 21, 2022 9:50 am
Topics: 8 / Replies: 513
RE: Limetree layoffs as of last night refining part closing ?

I know what I shared is hearsay. However, I did get exposed to repair plans, and many of my colleagues did not agree with the said repair plans. As I ...

4 years ago
RE: Limetree layoffs as of last night refining part closing ?

That is accurate, and a reality I faced when I worked there for eleven months. I was told by the third-party representative that they "only wanted to ...

4 years ago
RE: Limetree layoffs as of last night refining part closing ?

I worked as part of the restart project and left on October 31st, 2020. I saw some signs that I had seen back when it was Hovensa. So, I went back to ...

4 years ago
RE: How Safe Are the Virgin Islands especially St Thomas and St Croix

I can speak about STX. Knowledge, situation awareness, and common sense, keeps you safe. I hate to be Captain Obvious, but that is what I've used here...

6 years ago
RE: Hurricane characteristics in the VI

@singlefin,@vicanuck,@exit-zero I take Aleeve PM every night, and still that thing woke me up. When I realized what was happening I just decided to ju...

6 years ago
RE: Hurricane characteristics in the VI

All quiet here @Sugar Beach. Of course, I want no commotion because we end up losing power quickly. It is just a bit windy. I am glad it is weaker and...

6 years ago
RE: Mail delivery

MailBoxes & More = (340) 719-5131 There is a reason why we have more USPS locations than shopping malls, er, strip malls.

6 years ago
RE: Mail delivery

MailBoxes & More, adjacent to Sunny Isle, is a good compromise for handling both your mail, and package deliveries. For a little while their servi...

6 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 769
RE: How's TS Dorian treating everyone so far?

Singlefin, yes, it was weird, but the storm was so compact. At one point it was shown going right over us, latter on I saw the actual path it took was...

6 years ago
RE: How's TS Dorian treating everyone so far?

I am @Sugar Beach, and it went past east of us. We did get some moderate winds and some rain. I am not too far from the power plant and I don't hear ...

6 years ago
Re: Hurricane recovery renters skipping out?

This thread is interesting and sad at the same time. I've been looking for a place to rent for a few weeks now in STX. No dice thus far. Even req...

6 years ago
Re: Which island?

"Come on doooown! You are the next contestant on the Price is..." Seriously now, use the search function and the pulldown menus at the top of the...

8 years ago
Re: Install Radios

This model radio may need to be programmed at the dealer for it work properly. The dealership will actually program the radio to the vehicle You ...

8 years ago
Re: Install Radios

i am on STX. i am totally electronically illiterate. my steering wheel also has controls for the radio, heard that would make the install even more d...

8 years ago
Re: horse racing stx this weekend?

COME N ENJOY LOCAL ASS RACE FRIDEY LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A friend of mine sent me that photo. I drove all the way from Chri...

8 years ago
Re: horse racing stx this weekend?

Try the phone number on the sign, I don't know if is still any good. Or try 340-771-2522 (STT) and perhaps on that second number they will answer and ...

8 years ago
Re: Year One

Metro Motors located @ Golden Rock STX (also on STT)

8 years ago
Re: Interesting News on St. Croix Refinery

If the words used were "restart" - then I would think they might want to resume some operations (at one time they did consider restarting the Naphtha ...

8 years ago
Re: H & H

Maybe the reason everyone is so skeptical is this represents Forward thinking and having a game plan is why it is so foreign to us. (tu)

8 years ago
Re: H & H

The former "Mike's Bodyshop" building did have a compressor, some lifts, and additional equipment. There is a chance HH entered a lease with said equi...

8 years ago
Re: Strange things about living in the VI

Some businesses operating hours The additional holidays. The high number of post office boxes, thanks to the sometimes-impossible addresses. The...

8 years ago
Re: Buying condo to do short term rental?

i had not heard about structural issues at mill harbor. interesting. at one time they had an HOA of about 1,200. i think one of the highest on ...

8 years ago
Re: Bug Bites!

Recently I tried this product: "Repel Lemon Eucalyptus" It worked well for me at my location (Five Corners), and it is Deet free. You may st...

9 years ago
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