MMD = Merchant Mariner Document
First weekly rental moves out tomorrow. Room still available for 3 remaining weeks of October.
Kenny, There are loads of construction projects in the islands. They are always looking for skilled workers. I say skilled, because they have b...
Gas in St. John just went UP this past week. Premium is $4.07 now.
IMO, Work load should have no effect on customer service skills. If anything, it can affect performance of their duties. No matter how busy a pe...
The company is Crowley. Managed Frieght might be a freight forwarder. I'm not familar with them. Look up Crowley in Pennsauken and call the off...
I shipped my car down from Pensauken and it took a few weeks. I can't remember exactly but it was just about 2 weeks. There is a "wait" in Jerse...
"Can I relocate the boat to St. Thomas?" Possibly. I live on St. John and I'd probably want her here unless there was a very good reason for mov...
If you're working at the Westin, you will within a few hours of working there know all the "cool kids." Cruz Bay is literally 2 blocks long and y...
I would try the DLCA at
More data: My rates per KWH. March: .176346 May: .182278 July: .218920 August: .237047 September .237047
I'd probably cry too. Cry tears of joy that I had someplace else to shop besides K-Mart.
STTRes, I'm sorry I would have replied earlier to your comments on the unhealthy IHOP food victimizing the USVI population but I was busy eating a joh...
Did I mention a deck with a waterview? Yeah, that too.
There is a Home Depot on St. Thomas. There is no BOA.
First off, you don't have to live in a ritzy St. John hotel. When I moved down I lived at the Tamarind Court for 10 days while I looked for housing a...
More science on why you get bit.
Sure, you can get a place for $185/mo with all bills paid. You might have 11 roommates, but it's possible. All kidding aside, no. $185/mo is ju...
According to this study, some people are tastier than others.
Would I consider a "couple" for this? Sure, why not. The boat sleeps 6 and has a comfortable V-Berth that can sleep two.
1) 4x4 truck. The roads and hills sometimes demand high road clearance and 4x4 traction 2) Suzuki, Mitsubishi, Jeep. These are the most common car...
Acknowledging that there is government corruption and then offering someone a fish does not create any kind of double standard. It's called assimilat...