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Joined: February 12, 2014 8:19 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 6
Re: VA home loans

I work for a VA Mortgage company that is backed by the VA, in the states and you just have to make sure that the company you use is able to do VA loan...

11 years ago
Re: Living like a Crucian

Oh yea, we are for sure set on the move, just loving all the extra info!

11 years ago
Re: Living like a Crucian

@Wanderer, Now that you have lived on STX For a few weeks, what are your thoughts? My husband and I are planning on moving down(from Missouri) in a ye...

11 years ago
Re: Power and connectivity outages

@ Old Tart, thank you! My husband and I are planning to move down in a year - 2 years (after we sell our home and stuff we don't need) so these things...

11 years ago
Re: Power and connectivity outages

What happens in the power goes out every where is it hard finding store open?

11 years ago
Re: Ocwen Mortgage Servicing is now hiring for Home Retention Consultants!

Oh My! I'm moving in to STX in Spring 2016 and this is the Job I will be looking for. I have been in the Mortgage business for 2 years! I am License...

11 years ago
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