Estimable Member
Joined: July 5, 2014 12:56 am
Topics: 29 / Replies: 128
Re: Thank you to Island animal clinic STX

Oh, I skimmed and thought they made it through. Sorry to hear that. My last resort is always Rainbow. But I don't know any of the circumstances.

10 years ago
Re: annoying heliocopter(s) over F'sted

Well, at least since you flipped them off they probably assume you have no Cannibis. 😉 Just messing with ya. Do you drink rum, beer, or another ...

10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

I have always tried to be careful, aware of my surroundings, street smart etc my whole life but after spending time in the VI, Trinidad, & Tobago, I d...

10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

Iris: I understand where you are coming from but I took it as he was laughing at the Chicago joke. Chicago was how it was told to me, however, I'm thi...

10 years ago
Re: Thank you to Island animal clinic STX

So thoughtful of you & Dr. House to go out of your way.

10 years ago
Re: New move advice

LOL @ list of favorite foods and your genome sequence!

10 years ago
Re: New move advice

I was wondering if some landlords accept PayPal as payments for rent/security?

10 years ago
Re: Health insurance

My mom has American Retirement Life Insurance for Medicare Supplemental Plan F through Cigna. When my mom called they said her coverage would rem...

10 years ago
Re: Health insurance

Maybe you could try Cigna Global. Seems like it did work for a few. Cigna Global

10 years ago
Re: Health insurance

I do not know you. Its difficult to talk about like and dislike of someone if you have never met them. If someone asks about healthcare you say t...

10 years ago
Re: Health insurance

Ad-hominem attacks in forums and chatrooms are about individual choices. Some people will still choose to go that way, even despite reasonable and mor...

10 years ago
Re: How did you save for your move?

This person said bring $15k and that it could possibly be done with less depending on your situation. However, they did say double that with kids. ...

10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

I haven't been on this site in a while and boy, does it still entertain. lol For your entertainment purposes, see this thread below where I am in...

10 years ago
Re: Health insurance

Health insurance? Here? You're kidding, right? There is CruzanIron being so "helpful" as usual.

10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

I do not believe that Jamison is being disrespectful. Also, I never said crime in the VI was mostly petty. Just stating facts and that things are...

10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

My 10 year old nephew can wander Lincoln Park and Old Towne all by himself with no worries whatsoever. I'd never let him out of my sight on STX. ...

10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

Whether you are an American citizen or not, you cannot deny that people are being stripped of their basic human rights globally. Such a militarized re...

10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

Iraq…coming to a neighborhood near you. Here's another one from that same media outlet Huff Post that Ryan Reilly works for…that pastor's stomach look...

10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

Haha damage control. Ear plugs? lol. I'm sure the police state was wearing ear plugs and everyone might want to put some in when they watch the vids b...

10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

Some of the media crews in Ferguson were shot at with rubber bullets (which can kill you in some cases) and tear gas grenades while trying to cover th...

10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

Reminds me of a joke I heard…just to lighten the mood. I'm sure even the people in Saint Louis are feeling it right now and saying, "What the Hell is ...

10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

I've lived here for over a decade. I'm not trying to scare anyone away. People expect crime in ATL or Detroit. They don't expect it here. I lived ...

10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

And before you give me the like it or leave it trope, please know I'm here for work and work alone. If I could find equivalent employment in Chicago,...

10 years ago
10 years ago
Re: 2 weeks in..

Good to know on the rental sources and availability. I am doing all of the above as well when I arrive this fall. How many potentials after narrowing ...

10 years ago
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