Out of forum courtesy, perhaps simkiss you may wish to start your own thread on this topic. I believe this is "stepping" on Kelly's thread.
YEAH!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Mell. It was a vast wasteland of silence in my office.
Thanks. But I really am internet stupid. What button or link or words do you click on to bring up the radio? Sorry.
Thanks Mell. What link do you use at npr.org? I have been having trouble accessing it.
I should have added that I do know there is 24 hour access on NPR.org, but it's not working for me today. Thanks again.
Betty, you forgot the smiley. sorry, couldn't resist.
Someone in the classifieds section of this site still has a 2bedroom. not sure if it can wait til july but...
Coolchica27--are you moving here from NY? If so, do you mind if I PM you? BTW, my questions are totally unrelated to this thread.
Juanita, that is actually one of the reasons why we switched. Our grey water goes to our tampocho (a little banana) and papaya trees and we enjoy eati...
You can also join the email list and I believe they email a version or at least linkable headlines.
In all fairness to Teresa, I interpreted her comment to be a troll tip. I may be wrong. Nonetheless, we are a friendly and helpful bunch, but you...
OOOOHH! You're on. I'll look in to it.
Oh, and STT Res was right---Doc Williamson will work tirelessly to cure you dog.
Aussie-- Although I now use Imperial Animal Hospital (Tripp's practice), Dr Williamson cured my dog of a mean case of parasite when we first move...
I would think twice about leaving your cats unless you think they would be going to a better home than you currently provide. Although renting is toug...
EE, how wrong you are. If not for Google I would be lost down by the river at the bride to nowhere. Apparently I'm not clever enough to have avoide...
Is that a subtle troll tip? What's up?
I'm still adjusting and am still a newbie. It's been five years.
Ok, you ladies are making me feel like one of those acronym freaks!!! HE--High Efficiency. This is what they call the front-loading washing machi...
I guess there is a reason for that "check spelling" button...
My shock and awe has subsided, so here is some quick off-the-cuff answers: 1. Homeschooling. There is a small movement here. I understand they ar...
Shorthand--they produce environmentally low-impact household goods.
Ok, this is a long post with a lot of questions requiring thoughtful response, but I just can't get past the fact that the job is for $250K with ...
product. In this case, garbage bags, cleaning solution, laundry detergent (including for HE), etc.