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Price reduced to $600
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BCD is a Large
So much misinformation on this thread. So sad. Stop.
The rampant speculation is dishonorable and embarrassing. Please stop making unfounded assumptions and comparisons to TV dramas. Feel free to share ...
is it all buffet style? Can I order dinner a la carte?
Linda and Speee1dy, I think we need to chat over some 11ses.
Juanita, everyone who owns a kindle loves it. The only potential issue is the cost of the device (the books are cheap). If cost isn't an issue, it's...
You can store up to 200 books at a time on your kindle. You can also purchase memory cards to store all of your purchased materials. Plus, even if y...
True you can't share books from your kindle with other kindles. However, the books tend to be about 50% cheaper than the physical copies. Moreover, ...
I have a kindle down here and absolutely love it, I use it everyday. Whispernet definitely works. The only inconvenience in setting up your kindle d...
Great movie but way more romance that I anticipated. Young Daisy was a looker too!
Make one.
There is no such thing as a valid jury nullification. A judge can issue a judgment notwithstanding the verdict that the jury renders.