With all due respect yearasta, MOST of the discussion about public schools here have not had particularly bad things to say about some of the elementa...
Seconding Hiya's advice not to rent in advance, especially because $1000-$1500 per month is going to include a lot of suspect properties in suspect ar...
If they would just alter the route for the triathalon every year -- the way the Tour de France changes its route -- we could get the whole island re-p...
The problem with making a decision about whether to BELIEVE opinions about the public schools here, is that if you move here, and come to agree with t...
Good morning! Does anyone know of a bonded arborist / tree trimmer on STX? Must be bonded! Thank you! An organization I'm working with is l...
What Juanita said!
NextFaze.... I think you've misread some of "the numbers" If you have $18K set aside, you're doing great. In short, you'll need money for rent,...
You don't need to stay in a $300/night hotel, and costs here are not "incredibly" high unless youve been living really cheap somewhere. Suggest you ...
I'm a DISH subscriber almost entirely because I need to be able to get NHL Center Ice. If Innovative offered CI, then I'd probably still be an Innov...
Still 3.16 at One Love this am
Its Dennis at Target tire who is just past 5 corners. Oil chg there is $65.
I was impressed by their numbers showing how much businesses and the govt currently pay for "broad" band (a fortune), and how that bill will be dramat...
Listening to the committee hearing now. They're running down the benefits to all and the financing. It's a no brainer. Totally sold. Soon Come!
Hi David, Talk to the school. UVI publishes suggested budgets on their site, and I'm sure their Financial Aid and student service people could gi...
I don't know all the details of this project, but on an island that has trouble keeping the power on, and keeping the electric rates down, $68 million...
QUESTION ABOUT SHIPPING PACKAGES =TO= the STATES I guess I haven't been paying close attention, or at least my memory fails me.... But what ...
You do not have to take a driving test if you own a valid license from the states. And I for one think the pace of life IS slower... mainly becau...
In my experience, the "majority-minority-race thing" depends a lot on what you do for a living, where you live on the island, and what kind of person ...
Edited March 28, 2011: Message Removed.
" the fact that more students attend private schools here than public should tell us something." I am pretty sure that you do not have the number...
Re: born here Crucians who have done well.... Good for them. But the poverty stats, crime, income, and drop-out stats cannot be ignored and blamed on ...
LOVE living here. Beautiful day today. But every place has its problems. One of the reasons for some of the negatives is the board hears fr...
Does it include medical? Do you want to be able to travel to the mainland? Do you have kids?
As the price of oil rises, so will the incentive to refurb/rebuild to bring more capacity back online. Doesn't work quite that way I'm afraid....
BroadbandVI and ATT phone 'bars' have been sketchy as of late too. :S