@ ms411 Can you please out the businesses/restaurants/shops that are passing fake rotis? I wouldn't want to give them ANY business from me o...
What this island needs is a good Dairy Queen. The island definitely do not need them. We already have our very own Armstrong's Ice Cream in Frede...
Long Point is not Westend, it is "south shore". I have a friend who lives way out Long Point. Very secluded and they like it that way. "Westend" ...
1994. I might disagree with you about how "relevant" it is now. 17 years is a long time, and there have been numerous reforms and replacements in...
What this island needs is a good Dairy Queen.
In addition to the various increased costs already mentioned, you have air travel. Can't just load up the car and go see grandma. Health insuranc...
Good luck on your move, Shib. Regarding "It is hard to reconcile those opinions with some of those that I see on this forume which sometimes proj...
Hi Paz, You must be referring to the articles. Much of the article info at this site is still true today (but should be updated). The message...
I've been meaning to ask these questions, so in light of this post, this is as good a place as any. Are there jails or prisons on the islands? ...
to bad, occasionally your perception was spot on. Have to agree with you there. poorthang was often headed down the right road. You just d...
Summer is when the murder rate rises, then again in fall for summer murder retalliation. These kids can't find summer employment. Summer not so...
Cruz: You seem bent on a politicizing every problem. I was addressing the previous poster's erroneous linkage of crime to the economy. Lots of stat...
Brace yourselves, things are going to get worse as the economy goes south. As more stores close due to an increase in gross receipts & LEAC, more pe...
Anybody tasted LF?
I feel for the owners and plan on up-ping my schedule of patronage! In the states, these places would have alarms, cameras, and drop safes. ...
I didn't see that they corrected for race. African Americans have higher heart disease rates and they account for 80% of the population here.
Reason = "lack of support for the Cardiac Center" ????? Wonder what that's about. Been in it, and have talked with staff there. Seems pretty cool.
You suggest I'm "clueless" on this subject, but I would suggest that THE GOVT and the VOTERS are clueless when it comes to land ownership. Rather than...
Our car on STX has 2 drivers, and we put an average of 22 miles per day on it. We both work from home, so it's mostly for shopping and recreational us...
Hi Cruz.... I'm replying to you comments on my recent post where you suggest some of them are ignorant or clueless. 1. Neil wrote: Now the ...
If I may borrow a historical comparision, racism is like porngraphy, you know it when you see it, or in this case, hear it. Nobody here is condon...
Neil, I too am using my name, and not hiding behind an anonymous. My personal interest, I live near to Cane Bay, and my family owns property...
The 300 acre property is located on the western edge of Salt Pond, just east of the Boy Scout camp. It extends to the beach at Great Pond on the south...
Neil I have noticed that you have been the "lone voice" defending the Cane Bay road changes. So, please try to explain why you feel so strongly abo...