Honorable Member
Joined: February 8, 2012 8:50 pm
Topics: 28 / Replies: 520
Re: Dentist/Endodontist STX

The only person certified as a periodontist is Delano, to answer your question. Busk a is okay. He does not do peridontal treatment. I have not b...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

I have a graduate degree and make a fine living. There is no question that those who have more usually made better choices. But I am glad that Obama i...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

Is there anyone here who thinks trading one deserter for five top Taliban leaders was a good deal? Way to go Barry! Yes, the Ronald Reagan fans...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

miss justice-what do you consider entitlement? not trying to start an argument but a real question. and lets take mcdonalds who is pretty similar...

11 years ago
Re: Are Nobel Prizes a political joke?

If Obama lied after Benghazi, what do you say about Bush who lied before Iraq? In Benghazi 4 died. In Iraq 4 thousand died. What do you say to th...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

I have a graduate degree and make a fine living. There is no question that those who have more usually made better choices. But I am glad that Obama i...

11 years ago
Re: Solar to the extreme!!

Be nice to fix 2 major issues: affordable electricity and smoother roads to drive on. FYI 1. Guess who was the past Chairman of the Wapa board bef...

11 years ago
11 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 2038
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

Rum is failing us. Another reason to decriminalize marijuana. I am pretty sure the spirits makers are pushing the continued criminal alizarin of marij...

11 years ago
Re: STX Montessori

My kids went there. Outstanding. I was tempted to have another child just so I could send them there.

11 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Wow! Just ate at Joe's in front of WAPA. Best kept secret. An actual chef!

11 years ago
Re: WAPA's Solar Panels

A previous candidate (republican) for governor suggested using a submerged nuclear sub to power the plant, the sea water being the buffer in event of ...

11 years ago
Re: Seriously solar

Call West Indies Solair. He can give you back up and emergency power and he won't rip you off. EcoVI is not very honest. And the law just changed to...

11 years ago
Re: Senate votes to introduce corruptible voting machine

Correct. The name of the corrupt Sen Coles machine is iVotronic and you can view the merits or challenges thereof at www.verifiedvoting.org This ...

11 years ago
Re: Did Exon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

I would be ecstatic if the refinery reopened as a refinery tomorrow. What I won't be is led on until the December election by DeJongh, Sanes, or Fritz...

11 years ago
Re: Senate votes to introduce corruptible voting machine

The machine that he has been touting which the senate did not report has internet access and access to the other machines which leads to errors that w...

11 years ago
11 years ago
Re: Did Exxon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

Obviously Pinnacle isn't going to post jobs until an announcement is made. I never said they would post the jobs beforehand... It is only a refer...

11 years ago
Re: FINALLY - Senators busted for parking in Handicapped spots.

Miss I agree with you, HOWEVER Senators (or senators drivers IDC which) should hold themselves accountable to the law and by not punishing them you se...

11 years ago
Re: Did Exon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

Yep. I just wanted to see if she realized that she was (again) spreading misinformation. (tu) Seriously!? I am the one with misinformation?! The ...

11 years ago
Re: Did Exon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

"DeJongh hemmed and based on radio about not having a buyer nor a reopen date." What does this sentence mean? I don't understand what you're tryi...

11 years ago
Re: Did Exon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

Really? Do you honestly think Chucky had anything to do with negotiations? She signed off on the 4th amendment when it was presented to her in a sligh...

11 years ago
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