Honorable Member
Joined: February 8, 2012 8:50 pm
Topics: 28 / Replies: 520
Replies: 7
Views: 2433
Re: Five Major Cases The Supreme Court Will Decide This Month

Okay, but do you think the country was better off after Bush than Obama? You focus more on comparing the men than comparing their performance, and bet...

11 years ago
Re: Five Major Cases The Supreme Court Will Decide This Month

That's a mouthful. Where do I start? I agrée that Obama may have been elected in part for being black. Bit what do you mean 'not because he was qual...

11 years ago
Re: Five Major Cases The Supreme Court Will Decide This Month

missjustice, I did not see that those were walmart links or I would not have posted them. one was yahoo, one was glassdoor-reviews by employees, I thi...

11 years ago
Re: Five Major Cases The Supreme Court Will Decide This Month

Rotor, a penny for your original thoughts... I am still waiting for you compare the last two presidents as if our own private poll. Instead you regu...

11 years ago
Re: Five Major Cases The Supreme Court Will Decide This Month

So Rotor, waiting to hear who is the worst president since Kennedy and in what aspects? And waiting to understand who YOU think is an affirmative ac...

11 years ago
Re: Five Major Cases The Supreme Court Will Decide This Month

You didn't refute any of my points about the ACA. So I guess I won that issue Next. Obama's poll numbers? Really? 90% of the US citizens thought ...

11 years ago
Re: Five Major Cases The Supreme Court Will Decide This Month

Thank you for your comments. Most of your links are Walmart sites. Do you think they are going to say "we are the slumlords of employers"? What Walm...

11 years ago
Re: Five Major Cases The Supreme Court Will Decide This Month

United Parcel Service is planning to drop 15,000 workers' spouses from its health insurance plan, citing higher costs due to Obamacare. Target J...

11 years ago
Re: Five Major Cases The Supreme Court Will Decide This Month

Why does your employer have anything to do with your healthcare? Your employer pays you wages. You spend your wages anyway that you like including hea...

11 years ago
Re: Obama Is the New Dubya

No, rotorhead, I pay my own monthly premiums. And under President Awesome's Act, anything >20% of administrative costs are refunded. I got $2000 back ...

11 years ago
Re: Advice on where to buy a home?

Judith's fancy is your best bet. Fees are $1000 per year. Shoys is more expensive and further out. Caramba is also gated and is also a golf community....

11 years ago
Re: Obama Is the New Dubya

Formerly known as Romneycare? The one that makes people take personal responsibility for their healthcare that Reagan era Republicans called for? ...

11 years ago
Re: Obama Is the New Dubya

I would like the senate to become Republican this fall. That way, Onama can still veto any lunatic bill. And all America's problems in 2016, most of w...

11 years ago
Re: Tibbar/GERS

Message Removed. Please revisit board rules.

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

Very astute and intuitive observation, Speedy. Let me share some possibilities: 1. There are no real parties or party platforms here. So everyone is...

11 years ago
Re: DeJongh to surcharge your income %10

Firstly, maybe it's not a death sentence. Remember the gov and the majority of senators are democrats. And so are 90% of the registered voters. So if ...

11 years ago
Re: DeJongh to surcharge your income %10

DeJongh knows that the Organic Act of 1954 gives him the authority to levy as much as a 10% surcharge on income in addition to the mirror tax. Call it...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

DeJongh, Donna and Malone are VI democrats. But don't forget Sanes, the most senior democratic senator on St. Croix. And good news, Judy Fritz Buckley...

11 years ago
Re: Avis 6/20: VINGN defrauds VIP & public in bid fixing scam

VIP has shown their inability to perform over and over again, that is most likely why they lost the bid. I don't think there is any requirement that...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

Okay. I blame DeJongh, Donna, Malone and the VI Democrats. There. That was easy.

11 years ago
Re: Avis 6/20: VINGN defrauds VIP & public in bid fixing scam

This is a link to the summary of last known bid fixing by this administration. By purposely paying double for road repairs, we are getting half the im...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

1. I wish they were like the Democrats on the mainland. 2. DeJongh is a democrat. Are you blasting him? Or is he "different"? 3. I said Republican...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

They do not spout National Democratic rhetoric. They are not a party. They are a club. A clique. They are not part of the US. What is their posi...

11 years ago
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