Honorable Member
Joined: February 8, 2012 8:50 pm
Topics: 28 / Replies: 520
Re: Ferguson MO riots

Don't be surprised; I am rational and I take each incident on its own merits. Without consideration of race or party even though I have a race and a p...

11 years ago
Re: Ferguson MO riots

Which biased source is calling out which other biased source? I don't don't know what you are referring to?

11 years ago
Re: Ferguson MO riots

It appears to me that the confrontation between Brown and the police was not innocent; he had just gotten done a robbery and a strong arming if a shop...

11 years ago
Re: Did Exon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

I have a bridge to sell you in London. Yawn. Wake me up when you realize that the believers have been suckered. As I told you before, the deJongh...

11 years ago
Re: Robin Williams' Little-Known Role as an Animal Advocate

Too bad Robin Williams didn't help treat his mental illness and his alcohol and drug dependency with the now recognized therapeutic effects of a servi...

11 years ago
Re: 3rd World?

Half of the members of the board either work or worked for the deJongh Francis administration or were married/related to DeJongh's employees. Dotson...

11 years ago
Re: 2013 Property Tax Bills Are On Their Way

The deJongh Francis team refused to send out the tax bills at the 1998 rate. They held it up by going to court to get permission to raise the rates so...

11 years ago
Re: Primary Elections being held today is IRRESPONSIBLE!

Another reason to vote out Donald Ducks Cole. He spoiled a measure to allow early voting even by one day, which would have obviates much of this low t...

11 years ago
Re: Run Soriya Run

Again Soriya's victory in the 3rd Circuit court of Appeals further exposes the incompetence or even the malignancy of the local Superior Court and the...

11 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 724
Re: more election questions...

Hubert Frederick was a former government administrator and Assistant Commissioner of Health. He has extensive experience I. The private sector too in...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

Please attempt impeachment. That's how you can bring Democrats out to vote.

11 years ago
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

Senator Sanes just passed more legislation to criminalize fake cannabis to incarcerate more people. Really Sam? When are you going to join the 21st ce...

11 years ago
Re: What I think about politics in the USA

I think the republicans don't really believe what they preach. They are actors playing to a certain audience. If the House was so into the right to be...

11 years ago
Re: upcoming democratic primary

Disingenuous at best Rotorhead! 1. Donastorg was acquitted. 2. The accuser recanted her story and said that she was offered $150k by a DeJongh aid...

11 years ago
Re: upcoming democratic primary

Donna supported the diasteous Diageo deal and the Hovensa amnesty. Her running mate voted for the Diageo deal as senator too along with Malone. So no ...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

When you 'remember' let us know. Meanwhile I contend that before he even took office there were those that did not want his kind in office. That he ...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

Did anyone ever ask for Bush's birth certificate? Or Clinton's? Or Romney's?

11 years ago
Re: Did Exon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

I spoke with family friends today who moved off island to take a job at another refinery who have been contacted within the past week to determine if ...

11 years ago
Re: Run Soriya Run

So we are off to the 3rs Circuit Court of Appeals. Good luck Soriya. Show this lopsided court that they cannot terrorize the people here with impuni...

11 years ago
11 years ago
Re: Tibbar Energy ????

Who are the foxes?

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

On this I agree. This administration is not the beacon of transparency that Obama promised. If Obama however, should go far as firing conservativ...

11 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 682
Re: Five Major Cases The Supreme Court Will Decide This Month

8 million on Onamacare, not 6. It's hopeless, no one. They wanted Romneycare, not Obamacare. They pretend to oppose it because they are afraid to sa...

11 years ago
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