Honorable Member
Joined: February 8, 2012 8:50 pm
Topics: 28 / Replies: 520
Re: Crooked governor to pardon crooked senator

Still curious as to what happens to bills she authored or co-authored/sponsored during the period the Supreme Court deemed her ineligible to be servin...

11 years ago
Re: Crooked governor to pardon crooked senator

Dejongh will get her on the ballot if he wants. He owns the members of the Board of Elections. Three of them work for his administration directly, ...

11 years ago
Re: Crooked governor to pardon crooked senator

Ah. DeJongh shows his true character: to let criminals serve as elected officials. He is as corrupt as I have always held him out to be. Blech!

11 years ago
Re: Ebola Zaire Virus

It is so sad that the appeal of a "transnational" threat has to be used to get a response.

11 years ago
11 years ago
Replies: 16
Views: 1695
Re: Impeach Chucky Hansen?

I bet that if he can, he will pardon her. Call his office tomorrow at 3407740001 and let him know that you would like her to continue to serve as sena...

11 years ago
Re: Impeach Chucky Hansen?

And why is Gov. John deJongh entertainng a pardon?

11 years ago
Re: Ebola Zaire Virus

Ebola is a great equalizer. It reminds the world that medical and social injustice anywhere is a threat to medical and social justice everywhere. ...

11 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1062
Re: Ferguson MO riots

This is why people of color were protesting in Ferguson: /blockquote> I have a relative who was dating a black man. She was as color blind as...

11 years ago
Re: Judge Brady erred in Hansen's eligibility

1. The authorities ruled that it was self defense. I guess the machete and the two prior police reports of attempted murder helped sway. I don't suppo...

11 years ago
Re: Judge Brady erred in Hansen's eligibility

Would have been nice to have had the name of the source of the article. Do you have a copy of the FBI investigation that later cleared him? And does t...

11 years ago
Re: Judge Brady erred in Hansen's eligibility

That's what school children say. Were you there? If you have witness to the contrary I suggest you call the FBI back. There are no statutes if li...

11 years ago
Re: Judge Brady erred in Hansen's eligibility

I am sure all the people who Bert's son robbed and killed probably disagree with you and so did the FBI. But thank God that even a stopped clock is ri...

11 years ago
Re: Judge Brady erred in Hansen's eligibility

Yes, stealing government funds to enhance your private home 1/2 million $ is in there too. But until someone is arrested, charged, prosecuted, and con...

11 years ago
Re: Judge Brady erred in Hansen's eligibility

Corruption is not a part of VI culture. No culture would survive long without some level of accountability. Judge Brady was born in Canada. John A...

11 years ago
Re: Ferguson MO riots

:I say what I say because a cop should be held to a higher standard than what we set for criminals. Where,then is your outrage at this as posted ...

11 years ago
Re: Run Soriya Run

Canuck, I share your incredulity that an mortal can fix the insolvency path that DeJongh set us on with his dastardly Diageo deal, the Hovensa pardon,...

11 years ago
Re: Judge Brady erred in Hansen's eligibility

Has any candidate for the the next election stated "I will introduce a bill to define moral turpitude in VI law"? (or any variation) Naw, I ...

11 years ago
Replies: 26
Views: 3220
11 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 804
Re: Ferguson MO riots

If I am mistaken about the strong arming I will be the first to apologize. If I am mistaken. We all should not rush to judgment without forensics...

11 years ago
Re: Health insurance

1. United Healthcare still gives great coverages for business with at least one employee. The costs are high depending in part on the deductible that ...

11 years ago
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