noOne I abase myself before your penetrating logic. Clearly I am just a simple blue collar worker fighting outside my mental weight. One last thi...
It's not just any religion that lefties adhere to, but a specific kind: a Death Cult. These people simply hate life. They are miserable, and their env...
Captain Capitalism Rantings and tirades of a frustrated economist. Friday, May 01, 2009 Why You Can't Argue With a Liberal Let me exp...
Don’t Argue With Liberals – It Only Encourages Them Kurt Schlichter | Jun 02, 2014 Non-lawyers often ask me, “What is the best way to argue wit...
So Rotor, waiting to hear who is the worst president since Kennedy and in what aspects? And waiting to understand who YOU think is an affirmative ac...
The point is, this is a slippery slope. Why can't a Jehovah's witness refuse to cover blood transfusions, or a Christian scientist refuse to cover sur...
The Supreme Court just joined the war on women. In a 5-4 decision, the Court just ruled that Hobby Lobby and certain other private corporations m...
] NO business pays taxes. Why cannot so many understand this simple fact? Clearly you have no idea how taxes actually work and have never ...
It was Bush's fault!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
interesting series of conversations with a die hard dem. blame bush, blame reagan, dont blame obama. when it was pointed out that obama had control of...
] NO business pays taxes. Why cannot so many understand this simple fact? Clearly you have no idea how taxes actually work and have never ...
So you're cool with stuff like this: As you work on your taxes this month, here’s something to raise your hackles: Some of the world’s biggest...
After STX went to the SW Floriduh. It is not STX but it is not bad!
Or he may just be a liveaboard or cruiser on his way to the next place. I hope to work my way down the ditch from Annapolis, the Thorny Path next, ...
I want to live on my boat and home would be where ever the boat is. +1 !
I feel sorry for you Alana. Your heart is dead.
Is this real person??? Clearly a figment of your imagination *-)
Quite the virtual Socrates Café here. empires rise and empires fall. the available data indicate that is the nature of human societies. ou...
..........It seems to me that we are may missing the point! Canada Health is NOT FREE! OBAMACARE is NOT FREE! ............ Thank you....
Govt interference separated the consumer of health care service from the person paying for it. This is the root causeof the problem we have. Whining I...
Quote: Rotorhead "If you think this is FAIR for healthcare then why not food and housing? Why doesn't the government take over food production an...
I think its the bloodsucking insurances companies and malpractice lawyers myself. Sorry. No. Are you interested in the facts? If so you migh...
Those wanting obamacare do realize that gvt intereference in the market place is why health care costs are so high to begin with? And More gvt in...
anyone having ac with a gravity drain can save a lot of aggravation by using a wet vac to suck out the snot (slime mold) from the drain line on a regu...