Freeflyva thanks for that viewpoint. I went and looked and you are correct. Some areas of the continent are every bit as rough - and I don't go to t...
Hello Dan, I've been reading this board for a little while and own a boat at St Croix and will be returning there from Cincinnati to live full t...
Anita you are an example I wish more could follow(tu) Having had my two children handed to me after their births and looked into those beautiful ...
Lotta good sense here
The racism in "ROAMING THROUGH THE WEST INDIES" is disgusting. No two ways about that at all. Unfortunately if you read the chapter "IN AND ABOUT O...
Isn't this restaurant near an elementary school? (within 100 feet)....hmmmm Please forgive me most of this thread I can understand but this comm...
i saw him play saturday night. it was his joy. tells you to live everyday like it was your last. (that old saying) and i am finding more and more t...
No disrespect for you. More of a devilment kinda thing from an old DOS dog.. I do think Gates used some pretty low tactics building his empire..... ...
Vickie's wearing a sun dress. I wanna get married on the boat so of course we will get married on the beach as Vickie has decided LOL Spamm...
Great vids and I thank you.! I couldn't see my boat but I am assured she is doing well. I feel bad. Being an ex microsoft guy my frie...
You will also get a plug to completely compress the natural gas regulator spring tho sometimes you just turn the cap over Nat gas is regulated to 3....
Father-in-law had a stroke Monday............ See you some other time.
When deep in the pit it can seem like a really attractive way out as I know full well. Need to keep in mind is a permanent solution to a temporary f...
did you read "Don't Stop the Carnival"? If not, I and prolly several others here would highly recommend you do so .......
trw you are correct to defend you rights? Do you have a right to impose upon other people's rights? Lot of people work (or did) at the Caravelle. ...
I was in the Caravelle the night cove opened-on the far side. I went straight to the desk and said that place would put them outa buiz really quick....
Betty thanks for last post. I've only been here a short while and find the religion threads distracting and not what I thought this BB was about. No...
Yeah but what about all the federal subsidies, grants, yada yada? I've been trying to a grand total number ofl all fed money coming in but no joy so f...
Pot stirring mode ON. Hey Rotor, "Congress shall make NO LAW respecting an establishment of Religion, nor prohibiting the FREE exercise the...
Mac v.s. Win? Sounds like another religion thread! LOL Once you go Linux you never go back 😀 (you Macs do know you are closet Linux users - don...
My bad. I should have realized the title was inflammatory in itself. I edited the title once and should have removed the "R" word completely.
Anita I smile at the irony you suppose even if I can't make the leap. Rotorhead I respectfully ask you to please not suck every last bit of oxyge...