So I have something to do on Tuesday, Wednesday. I just need options for Thursday and Friday. this good to know for the evenings. Does anyone ...
I will be there next Wednesday. I will addget a free hot dog to my list.
Steve, You are funny. You made my morning. Thanks for helping keep things in prospective. Can't wait to get there.
I think while you are doing your assesment and research on the Public schools vs the private schools determine which one is meeting the mandates of N...
For what Island?
How's the job search?
That is a good idea. I think I try to find my dog an escort.
Thanks that gives me some idea of the limitations and the possibilities
Are there people who have private tranportation that take people over to St. Thomas?
I would like to sendyou a personal E-mail about my experience so far I submitted my application in January 05. I could use some feed back and some ad...
I've stayed in the Bunker Hill Guest Hotel. I liked it. I think it was like $88 per night. Its clean, has cable tv, some rooms have refridgerators ...
I will be moving st STX on July 30. Not bringing much in terms of household items I would be interested in seeing what you have.
Is there a private mailbox service in STX?
How do I get in toch with tropical ALOT
Thanks I needed that!
I am not quite sure. But there may be a need in the special education program for school psychologist to do assessments and to provide couseling ser...
Check out the website That website will give you telephone numbers and the application process. When will you complete your pr...
My OB/GYN doctor moved to STT last year. His name is Martin Dukes mayby you could look him hp whle you are doing your research. He practiced in Wash...
I don't think they will do any thing until you get your complete application packet in to Human Resources- VI Dept. ED. the webside www.teachislands.v...
Thank that website is very helpful and is exaclty what I am looking for.