Last seen: January 29, 2019 12:19 pm
I am well aware of the tropical fruits that can and do grow in FL. Also still remember stateside amenities and luxuries even though its been nearly 1...
As with every grocery store, you really need to shop around. Pueblo is not my favorite. I'd shop there once every 4- 6 weeks or so but I've found pu...
Hey now, I used to be the one bagging on A&A for not appreciating STX more. 😉 I think she is liking it more now though and has done well at bala...
Hi Speedy, Thanks so much, I found the name: IR Backhoe. I will give him a call. Cheers!
"Skate at your own risk" signs and signed liability waiver release forms are the norm for stateside skateparks, don't see why the same couldn't be don...
Big Up Freedom City!!! Great people, great food, awesome vibes!!! I hope they continue to be a landmark out West! We always enjoy stopping b...
Awesome shots! I am in those pics so thank you very much! I take back all my complaining of you complaining about STX...sorry 🙂 Great web...
Thank you!
I would never in a million years pay to have my car washed. I can wash a car in 15 minutes and vaccuum in another 15 minutes for free! And it will t...
Can you please tell me where I can register to vote on STX? Are you sure the latest is October 9th? I thought it was October 1st.
Ha, ha! I have lived here for years, and there are surprises every day. A friend in the States who used to live here (St Thomas) still listens to the ...
We could possibly loan you our Omega juicer. We use it frequently but not everyday and could probably survive a couple weeks without it.
This is really a great thread and there have been some insightful comments. For someone who is not in the political scene, seems like long shot, ...
Some good ones Pammerjo As many problems as we have here with politics, I had a moment of appreciation the other day. Was in the Home Depot p...
Ignore the negativity. It is very unrepresentative of the population here. This place is just like any other- its what you make of it. Some love it...
STX: Tide pools Crab Races Downtown C'sted and the boardwalk Dowtown F'sted and the pier Rolling green hills that aren't littered with ho...
So Matt, you've lived here 10 years ? Have you seen any changes in the election patterns in 10 years? Do you REALLY think they will change? Enjoy...
Bumping this up! Lately I'm loving all the mangoes! Also our papaya trees are stocked! Getting enough rain to keep things green. Got some ...
So I wonder what the " I'll worry about it later" crowd thinks will happen when: GERS announces it cannot pay any more full pensions WAPA an...
Well I guess its like all news. People like gossip, dirt, etc. I don't know why? Look at the VIconsortium. Any article that is something posit...
What about that artilce about OTEC wanting to come here. What about the recent article I read about a company proposing to supply power to WAPA throu...
But don't get me wrong, Matt T. I own a very successful business here, have plenty of AirBNB guests staying in my extra space and own another hom...