Matt T
Reputable Member
Joined: March 26, 2006 2:08 pm
Last seen: January 29, 2019 12:19 pm
Topics: 43 / Replies: 218
Re: Who has local, fresh eggs for sale on STX?

Send me a PM. We produce enough for our family but have a surplus quite often.

6 years ago
Re: What's happening just west of barren spot mall on St. Croix?

I gotta chime in here. Or should I say complain. Not that it will make difference. But how many gas stations does this island need? And might ...

7 years ago
Re: Building a new home

Matt T, Presuming for the moment that GigaCrete Caribbean may read this board, did the company contact you and address your issue? Yes, they...

7 years ago
Re: Building a new home

andee: Check out the GigaCrete building system. The immensely strong and durable houses are simple to build on a prepared slab using low-skill labor a...

7 years ago
Re: Building a new home

Singlefin, I'm sure you built your house strong and did everything you could to prepare for the worst, but we need to clarify something here. Ea...

7 years ago
Re: Off The Wall Reopening!

Does anyone know who owns the Above the Cliff property and building? Was the guy who had the restaurant leasing that location or did he buy it and is...

7 years ago
Re: Power Lines, Lenny vs. Maria

Having been a resident of STX in 2008 when Lenny hit the island on the south east and east side it was more like a Cat 4. It took down utility poles ...

7 years ago
Re: WAPA progress on STX

Northshore will be dead last as usual and Rust Op Twist will be dead last on the Northshore as usual. I'm not worried though, setting us up to be...

7 years ago
Re: Sinkhole City

Funny how part of the deal with Limetree was supposed to be an asphalt plant. I forgot what the reason is, but I remember hearing that is no longer s...

7 years ago
Re: Camping

Camping is still available at Mount Victory Camp in the rainforest. E-mail them, it may take a day or two to get a reply from them, just be patient...

7 years ago
Re: Maria's winds

I think it goes without saying but I'll say it anyways. The farther west you go on St. Croix, the worse the damage. So its no surprise the cotton va...

7 years ago

For what its worth, our power bill is $60-70 a month with no A/C or dryer for clothes and we have an instant hot water heater. We do have a small...

8 years ago
Re: USVI needs a stateside grocery store chain

Good reply, Beeski...very true. +1 Honestly I just came back from the states and while it's nice I guess to have al those choices it's gotte...

8 years ago
Re: USVI needs a stateside grocery store chain

For Beeski's comment that Pueblo is a stateside chain. My research says no. Wikipedia: Pueblo If you buy something at Pueblo with a card, i...

8 years ago
Re: USVI needs a stateside grocery store chain

The day I mentioned to the Plaza East folks that the big brown rat was heading from the bread aisle into the next one over, they just kept asking me i...

8 years ago
Re: New Construction roofing question

Hi Jerry thanks for your reply. Yes, I am pretty committed to a metal roof. I have seen many houses here with plywood roofs finished the way you ...

8 years ago
Re: New Construction roofing question

Thanks for the replies so far. Singlefin, yes cypress seems the go to here and if I was buying would go that route. But the cedar I am being off...

8 years ago
Re: USVI needs a stateside grocery store chain

Look at the cash registers, the conveyor belts you put your groceries on, the floors, the ceilings, etc. They are filthy. So yes, spending as much mo...

8 years ago
Re: USVI needs a stateside grocery store chain

Grand Union used to be on St Thomas before Marilyn. A stateside chain doesn't necessarily guarantee lower prices. The best way to bring down pric...

8 years ago
Re: USVI needs a stateside grocery store chain

a) Hawaii has 14 times the population of the USVI The island of Kauai where I lived has about 50,000 people which is simlar to STT and S...

8 years ago
Replies: 59
Views: 6218
Replies: 0
Views: 1159
Replies: 11
Views: 1938
Re: Keep St Croix relevant

(tu) To Islandlover15 and others, St. Croix is a beautiful island, certainly open to tourism. It has a lot to offer to those looking for som...

8 years ago
Re: Sin Tax on booze - exactly how much is it?

Not trying to start a bickering war... So, why are you bickering then? I enjoy Alana33's perspective. Because this thread is about a ta...

8 years ago
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