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Joined: September 15, 2008 6:27 pm
Topics: 61 / Replies: 236
Re: We Need LNG

Changing the topic after 2 years of silently monitoring. Sorry !!! This BS about PROPANE makes you feel good. YIKES. BUT .... this is deri...

9 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 734
12 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1823
Re: It could happen there!

WAPA has had little foresight ..... and not upgrading and converting sooner, is mainly due to them being a semi-govt entity and took the easy path for...

12 years ago
Re: Waste to Energy .... OK for PR ..... but not USVI

OK then. You tell me what new technology is cost effective and can run 24 / 7 ? And who is going to buy it .... since WAPA and the USVI gov.t are br...

12 years ago
Re: WAPA is out - and no response for their phones lines.

He probably passed out due to the high level of non-compliant emmissions.

12 years ago
Re: Waste to Energy .... OK for PR ..... but not USVI

Alana, have you seen the fluff which is then made into pellets? I have a sample. They also use it as potting soil in Tennesee. This is what was pro...

12 years ago
Re: Waste to Energy .... OK for PR ..... but not USVI

Alana, Come on. They were going to use (mandated by the EPA) the best / current emissions control systems. These meet EU reg.s that are more strict ...

12 years ago
Re: Mooring Enforcer Goes Down !!!

Come on IJ. The VI govt is full of corrupt people only looking out for themselves. You never heard the phrase, "couldn't happen to a nicer guy"........

12 years ago
Replies: 15
Views: 2464
Re: Comparing WAPA rates to other Caribbean islands

Actually the Oslo project can be economical since 100% of the energy content is utilized. This plant consumes the combustilbe part of the MSW and the...

12 years ago
Re: Comparing WAPA rates to other Caribbean islands

Alana, as I said in my above post, the Tibbar project will work and is proven in several locations in Europe. All of the organic fraction of the MSW ...

12 years ago
Re: Comparing WAPA rates to other Caribbean islands

BillD is correct. The incestious situation has caused this .... but I don't see anyone local stepping in to change it. Best would be for the Feds to...

12 years ago
Re: Comparing WAPA rates to other Caribbean islands

IJ, You asked about a link to similar topics. This one presents a Bermuda video that discusses their progression to the IC engine generators. I...

12 years ago
Re: Comparing WAPA rates to other Caribbean islands

I'm still here .... but only weigh in when I think I can add value. I personally have interfaced with many of the other island's utilities. The majo...

12 years ago
Re: Is it time for knife control?

With the Boston bombing .... now we will need to control the sale of nails, bolts, nuts and ball bearings. As I stated before, the crazys will get yo...

12 years ago
Re: Is it time for knife control?

What if the Newtown guy walked in with a bomb vest / IED .... like those that killed hundreds of our brave service people in the mid-east. Or ram a t...

12 years ago
Re: Is it time for knife control?

One could control a violent knife-wielding person very easily .... with a hand gun and shot to the head.

12 years ago
Re: PMV rental

FYI. CondoDelMar is not a property management service, but only is a reservations service for independent private owners. But one can view several u...

12 years ago
Re: PMV rental

Try this web site. They offer several units at Sapphire Village on the east end of STT. And July / Aug is off season so...

12 years ago
Re: U.S. Sues WAPA Over Emissions

What gets me about this is that some of the violations go back to 2004 ... 9 years ago and only now the public finds out about it. There must have be...

12 years ago
Re: U.S. Sues WAPA Over Emissions

Selling WAPA would not necessarily mean that a lot of islanders would lose their jobs. A new company still would need skilled workers like linemen an...

12 years ago
Re: STX Residential solar power

Alana, I suggest that you contact the manufacturer to see what is possible and the cost. Most modern IC engine generators like those from MAN an...

12 years ago
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