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Joined: March 8, 2005 9:58 pm
Topics: 16 / Replies: 177
Re: High speed internet access

I must respectfully disagree with PT. I'm not sure how long ago he/she used to own an internet cafe, but it is NOT true that "the service goes down v...

20 years ago
Re: Seeds

Update- Plant Depot has lots of potted herbs now- basil, purple basil, rosemary, dill, etc. They are getting a new shipment of seeds in the next ...

20 years ago
Re: Bugs?

Did I read that right? 8 FEET long?! Admittedly, I haven't lived here very long, but the longest iguana I've seen was maybe--MAYBE-- 3 feet long....

20 years ago
Re: High speed internet access

I'm not sure if you were asking about high-speed in hotels, or its availability in general. If you're asking in general, high speed internet is a...

20 years ago
Re: Seeds

Hooray, Craig saves the day again- Sea Chest has basil seeds! (but not many; I got a lot!). Both purple and sweet basil (isn't that how both of these ...

20 years ago
Re: Seeds

Pamela, Hope your hubby is OK. Take good care. Teresa is absolutely right- "yard bird" is nothing more than chicken! 😉 There are some guine...

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1153
Re: Seeds

Hi, Nemo I didn't want to use chemicals, either- but many people told us that Sevin dust was the only thing to help our pumpkins- which are being...

20 years ago
Re: Seeds

Well, shoot, Pamela- we're practically neighbors! Islander- thanks for all the info. What is hog's plum? And what are you supposed to do with gu...

20 years ago
Re: Seeds

April 2/3 sounds good to me. I'm going to try to get some banana slips from the in-laws. If that doesn't work, I'll try the ag center up at Crown. ...

20 years ago
Re: Seeds

Well, we ate the first watermelon today- and boy, was it good! Actually, we started eating it- it's *huge*!- probably 15lbs. I'm down for th...

20 years ago
20 years ago
Re: racism in the VI?

Anyone see the comic "Boondocks" in the VI Daily News today? I am completely baffled. You can see it online here:

20 years ago
Re: Can pet owners find an apt?

Celeste, It all depends on the owner. As other folks have pointed out on this board, a lot of apartment rentals are in people's homes (so to spea...

20 years ago
Re: Seeds

Teresa, Well, I'm not sure what they are, but there are definitely pests here that are having a good ol' time munching on my plants. Yesterday, I...

20 years ago
Re: Seeds

Pamela, Sure- send me an email or call and you can pick up some of the watermelon seedlings. I'm trying to get some cinnamon basil, thai bas...

20 years ago
Re: Seeds

Hot sauce? I think you mean "balsamic vinegar" 😉 Seeds should be no problem. You interested in the more exotic varieties? Or just plain basil? ...

20 years ago
Re: Seeds

John, your offer is very kind- thank you! Pamela, I recently tried to place an order from a tropical plants place up in Florida. They were extrem...

20 years ago
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