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Joined: March 8, 2005 9:58 pm
Topics: 16 / Replies: 177
Replies: 3
Views: 1033

STT Resident, He sure is. I met him the other night. Before he even opened his mouth, he skeeved me out. Then he started in with the "dead sons" ...

19 years ago
Re: Can anyone recommend a good STT dentist?

Dr. Michael Barrows 774-7220 He's located in Medical Arts (behind Banco Popular's main branch on Veteran's Drive). He's fantastic. Gentle, exp...

19 years ago
Re: Newbie needs help with mold

I tried Damprid when we first got here. Package says it's supposed to last 2-3 weeks. My little moisture-soaking beads were disintegrated in less than...

19 years ago
Re: Walmart shipping to VI

Onika, What made you order from them as opposed to getting the ones at Home Depot? I ask because I've been contemplating getting one from Home De...

19 years ago
Re: Relocating to STT in Dec- HELP!

Pirate's Cove is affordable and nice, but does not allow pets. Ronnie would know if Villa Fairview/Crystal Palace accepts pets. Good luck! ...

19 years ago
Re: Attn. Bill, Your Feedback on VI Move

Very interesting read. Bill, how long were you here? Best, LR

19 years ago
Re: were coming to join you tell us about it

STT Resident is 100% right. Leave your dog home (the plane ride is stressful- and airlines may or may not let you fly with a pup, given the weather ...

19 years ago
Re: VI Garden Club- STT

Thank you, Ronnie, Teresa, East Ender & Islander! I'll be sure to check out the Agricultural Fair. Ronnie, I thought you might know someone who ...

19 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1414
Re: Pet Supplies in STT? A question for cat owners.

I get Science Diet for our kitties from our vet (Tripp Stewart at Imperial Animal Hospital- who we think is marvelous!). You can also get Science...

20 years ago
Re: book club?

I'm up for another one. Someplace (relatively) quiet, central, spacious, & well-lit. How about one after the STT get-together? Suggestions...

20 years ago
Re: Best place to buy seeds? (St. Thomas)

Thanks, Dave Since I posted that, Plant Depot has started selling seedlings (this season- I guess I was a little early), and I found basil and pa...

20 years ago
Re: Bees

Thanks, East Ender I know someone who knows someone (you know how that goes) who keeps bees- and actually got a lot of local honey as a gift from...

20 years ago
Re: Bees

Oh lands...very punny! Ronnie, you know anyone?

20 years ago
20 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1063
Re: showgirl jobs?

STT Resident- Ronnie told her right away- now we're just rolling in the prurient gossip 😉 Best, LR

20 years ago

FL Barrier Islander, We have some friends on Water Island who told us about a guy who does yard work there. They intimated that he had a chokeho...

20 years ago
Re: showgirl jobs?

East Ender, Don't know much about Jala Jala. I've driven by it tons of times in the daylight hours, but didn't even know if it was open. Wha...

20 years ago
Re: Free Wi-fi on St. Thomas or St. John

$9.95 for Greenflash in Crown Bay or American Yacht Harbor. Gets cheaper if you buy more time. No free wifi that I know of. Internet's not "...

20 years ago
Re: showgirl jobs?

Forgive me, who is Cain Magras? Another one in Havensight too? Wow, our cups runneth over....

20 years ago
20 years ago
Re: $300,000...where do I start

This is awesome! First, facetious: Put your money in a brown paper sack, throw it in the nearest garbage can, find yourself an overpriced ap...

20 years ago
Re: showgirl jobs?

Yep. Scores, I think. I hear it's really happening- should be interesting. Someone told me there was a...um..."classy" strip club some tim...

20 years ago
Re: showgirl jobs?

Speaking of which, I hear there's a new strip club opening in a familiar STT location. Anyone heard about it?

20 years ago
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