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Joined: March 8, 2005 9:58 pm
Topics: 16 / Replies: 177
Re: Grocery Query

Edamame can be found (sometimes) in the frozen section of Food Center. Diet Ginger ale you can also get at Food Center (STT) Best, LR

19 years ago
Re: Looking for moving companion...

What exactly are you seeking? Someone to share a container with? To travel with? To meet and plan with? To share costs with? Please be s...

19 years ago
Re: Quality of life on STT for transplanted larger, active dog breeds

Ah, yes Onika brings up a good point. It is an unfortunate (from what I hear) long-standing occurrence on the islands that some dogs are poisoned...

19 years ago
Re: Quality of life on STT for transplanted larger, active dog breeds

Eggman, PM'd you back. Texas girl (me too!)- we live in St. Thomas, which has its flat areas and it's reeeeeally steep areas. We live in a ...

19 years ago
Re: Aww... the simple life

Angel, Without sparking a debate about the merits of the public school system here, I just want to point out what "Local" alluded to. On St. Thom...

19 years ago
Re: Quality of life on STT for transplanted larger, active dog breeds

Dear Eggman, When our large-breed dog was a puppy, we took him to some of the more out-of-the-way beaches. He's so big (and so energetic) now, w...

19 years ago
Re: Cost of internet

Tanya, If you go to this board's "infrastructure" portion of the moving center there's a brief description of Internet Service Providers...

19 years ago
Re: Bakery in Stt

Island Girl, Which town? Charlotte Amalie in St. Thomas? Where are they located? (street name or directions) Best, LR

19 years ago
Re: Broadband Internet Access

Dear noone, AT&T and Global Crossing both have big "hubs" here- but being here and being connected to them are two different things! They ha...

19 years ago
Re: Is there a gay community on St. Thomas/ St. John?

Tommy's Piano Bar (sorry if I'm misspelling) closed down some time ago. It was replaced by another (martini) bar- which I'm not sure is still open or ...

19 years ago
Re: Where to look for activities to join?

There are several book clubs on St. Thomas. I've found the best way to find one is just open your mouth and start asking people in person. Art class-...

19 years ago
Re: Bakery in Stt

Ronnie is right - and it has to be a VALID stateside license. Blazing Photos in Nisky is where I get my photos done- they are fast and nice- and close...

19 years ago
Re: Bakery in Stt

Yes, HipCrip- donuts! Tasty donuts! Come over for a visit sometime! 🙂 Island Paul, I'm showing my roots here, but I had to chuckle, because wher...

19 years ago
Re: Broadband Internet Access

Ackley has a servicing location at Frenchman's- so you may be able to get service there. Once you have Ackley broadband, you can get talkVI (voic...

19 years ago
Re: Cistern

We have a "whole house" filter, and in addition we use Brita filters for our drinking/cooking water. Being the child of a microbiologist and a ch...

19 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 1052
Re: Chanel make-up artist

The Chanel counter (as far as I know) is in St. Thomas at AHRiise downtown. I second STT Resident's thoughts that you may want to check it out wh...

19 years ago
Re: moving

Helen (and all hopeful movers who post on this board)- Have you heard the expression "help me help you"? I know that the board can foster fe...

19 years ago
Re: Looking for Lodging Advice

www.crystalpalaceusvi.com is Ronnie's place. Highly recommend for Pre-Move Visits (PMVs) Good luck, LR

19 years ago
Re: Living in St. Thomas

I second STT Resident's thoughts. $2700 is not a "comfortable" living in St. Thomas, in my opinion. Breaking it down further: Rent or mortg...

19 years ago
Re: Anyone know anything about Ramsey's Guest House or Midtown Guest House?

I don't know anything about these places you mentioned, but I'd highly recommend The Crystal Palace. It's run by a gentleman named Ronnie, and he is ...

19 years ago
Re: Residential Dial-Up

Onika, surfVI (www.surfVI.com) is a local provider. Local dial-in number, $13.96/month. You won't have to worry about them going "belly-up" ...

19 years ago
Re: can anyone tell me a little about Wintberg?

Wintberg is located above/overlooking Tutu valley to the south/east, and Magen's Bay to the North. It's a quiet residential area. Landmarks ...

19 years ago
Re: Any knitters on STT?

Pamela, Yes, sounds like fun! Let's coordinate. Best, LR

19 years ago
Re: Any knitters on STT?

Sure! Just thought it would be fun to do a little crafty get-together. Maybe at someplace like a coffee shop (though R&J's Island Latte- bad parking- ...

19 years ago
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