divinggirl, The brand name is (Always Fresh Containers) www.asseenontv.com
Tam, Good thing you are all safe, God Bless, hope you catch the bad guy!
It extends the shelf life of fruits/veggies. Food is expensive on the islands, so the little green bags keep some of the green in your pocket.
Bombi, More police, better pay/benefits more oversight! Less dopers on the island! Oh according to your past posts you moved here in Oct 2007 a...
Molly, Don't tease me like that, I quit over 20 years ago, I'M weak and can't just have one, I miss it. When I am on my death bed I will smoke ...
Bombi, Quote " it may seem that some of us are a bit Jaded" that's laughable! When you did your PMV did you check out the cultural issues, the ...
Aussie, If you are going to take a cheap shot at me, don't take a statement out of context from another thread. I have no other utopia other th...
Not in tune, maybe the numbers confused you, the 25% is not taxable no argument there. Like you said it was like the "Military Variable Housing Allotm...
No the cola is a cost of living increase seperate from the 25% Local allowance. Last year the cola for social security was 5.87%. That percentage woul...
No the cola increases the base salary and it is taxable, the increase on the Local allowance is not taxable. The cola adjustment is the same as longev...
Agreed that the 25% is the same as the Military Variable Housing Allowance. The Cola is on the base pay (cost of living allowance) The 25% local perce...
Jay that is a full time salary range=40 hour work week, part time is pro rated and hours are min 16 to24 per week. so you would times 31,426 X.25=7856...
z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
speee1dy, So What? it kinda sets the tone and doesn't answer the mans question. Sometimes sarcasm and humor doesn't come across to well with th...
i didnt realize we had police officers here First one out of the Gate!
TJ, This statement refers to STX only, there are sections on the island that are opulent with the money that goes with it. There is a large mid...
Betty, The only thing we can agree upon is we disagree on this subject.
Betty, I don't want to morph this thread anymore that it has been, However if someone asks a simple question, common courtesy will work all the...
speee1dy, He didn't ask for any cynical opinions to begin with, nor did his ask for a filppant remark.
Redvettenuts, I can tell you that the island of STX needs good Police Officers. This is a relocation message board and most advice to potential...
curran17, Ying and Yang, did the neighbor tell you the story or did Ying and Yang tell you the story? Like I said "Urban Legend" if not PROVE I...
The Story about the dogs, Aussie said his neighbor "Thought" they were shooting dogs and targeting homes for a later entry. There is no record or n...
Hey Aussie, When you did your PMV to STX, what was different about your perception and realities at that time vs now?