Noble Member
Joined: January 11, 2013 12:44 am
Topics: 45 / Replies: 1892
Re: new president

This may not be the same usage as written by Thomas Jefferson though - word meanings change over time and Jefferson owned slaves after all. Ever...

7 years ago
Re: We pulled a chain out of a horse's face the other day.

okay, i tried to watch the video. a bit too much for me. i am so sorry this poor baby had to go through that Wait till you see what she looks lik...

7 years ago
Re: new president

The Declaration of Independence never mentioned the word freedom. Do you rejoice in pointing this out? Luckily it is blatantly wrong... b...

7 years ago
Re: 4th of July fireworks STX

I'll be in the 7 raft flotilla swarmed with kids.

7 years ago
Re: We pulled a chain out of a horse's face the other day.

Mongoose aren't as prevalent as they used to be when I was growing up. A virus wiped out the major population. There's still a bounty on them on ...

7 years ago
Re: Crime in St. Croix

I have multiple dogs in the triple digit weight range... you'll never be bothered. (Plus a donkey.. do you know how territorial they are? haha)

7 years ago
Re: We pulled a chain out of a horse's face the other day.

BTW - ya still got the Mongoose? Bhanzhu died 🙁 He was too damn agile and ninja like, we had a file cabinet that looked like it was pushed ...

7 years ago
Re: We pulled a chain out of a horse's face the other day.

LF, did y'all end up with the horse? What about the foal? Can you extrapolate on the story? I'm curious as to how the horse came to the attentio...

7 years ago
Re: 4th of July fireworks STX

from DRONE though???? My first flight will be for the fireworks. YIKES! Not planning on moving forward lol just up and down hahha! I wana see it,...

7 years ago
Re: Tiny house STX. Can you?

Anyone know if a tiny house on a 8ft x 24ft trailer could be set on a property without an HOA? They're relatively new and a lot of regulations haven't...

7 years ago
Re: Crime in St. Croix

I would just appreciate any insight from people who actually live on island and know what they are talking about. Thank you very much in advance. ...

7 years ago
Re: 4th of July fireworks STX

Speaking of Fireworks, please remember to keep your pets inside so they don't get scared and run away. Keep them safe. So many people lose their pets ...

7 years ago
Re: Paris Climate Agreement

Janet Yellen will be presenting her annual report to Congress in mid-July. I expect a huge liquidity problem will follow... the fed is already...

7 years ago
Re: new president

Why are you defending the indefensible? You again show your hand... what do you think I am defending, are you even reading what I write o...

7 years ago
Re: Career/new business idea: would love input!

I suppose as that as more GenZers begin to take over the ownership/operating restaurants and businesses they'll be more attuned to wanting an online p...

7 years ago
Re: new president

This is not normal nor should it ever be accepted as such. Your version of normal only ever existed in your head; it is not "reality" in anyway. ...

7 years ago
Re: More Bad News for Sears/Kmart

This may be why they are liquidating merchandise through the VI stores. It will be good for us while it lasts. They are doing that to get ready...

7 years ago
Re: Career/new business idea: would love input!

Even a simple face book page sometimes gets no posts after a short flurry of postings. The majority of the local population still spreads info wo...

7 years ago
Re: Paris Climate Agreement

Even if the US gov't doesn't pay another penny, US billionaires, states, and municipalities will step up and pay the balance of this pledge - and any ...

7 years ago
Re: new president

Wow, we are THAT lazy as a people now that a website exists to do simple math for us... haha, that reflects my opinion of the general population ...

7 years ago
Re: Conspiracy Theories

Oh yeah... lets go "terrorist" shall we? (such a convenient nebulous boogy man for us to go to "war" with) 7/7 bombing in England... used the ...

7 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

Tap Deck, also in frederiksted, upstairs in the courtyard of pier 69 right next to Polly's I went there last night It's a tapis bar with ...

7 years ago
Re: Adult Fun...?

Does Kurt Schindler still play music on the island? Those were some wild parties in general with an eclectic crowd. . I see him almost every we...

7 years ago
Re: new president

The president’s speeches and interviews are so chock full of false and misleading claims And your point is? aren't we WELL beyond 100 da...

7 years ago
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