Noble Member
Joined: January 11, 2013 12:44 am
Topics: 45 / Replies: 1892
Re: Planning Halts Net-Meter Sign Ups

While the new law will help WAPA, potential net-metering customers still won’t be able to get permits because when the Legislature passed the Feed in ...

11 years ago
Re: Bored

Horse riding! Jet ski! Island tours via Jeep: great food / bar! Fireworks in F'sted! or if your on one of the oth...

11 years ago
Re: Tibbar/GERS

We don't need to "know" them to discuss the obvious. A leopard doesn't change it's spots. so... get rid of the prison system and just execute e...

11 years ago
Re: Orbitel/GERS

we do not price gouge or have bandwidth caps. and that's why I give you my monies.. however, in the same breath I will say that the US is do...

11 years ago
Re: Orbitel/GERS

we need the competition... broadband is still way too expensive on this island & the profit margins from the numbers I look at are pretty damn high fo...

11 years ago
Re: Tibbar/GERS

So... if you make some poor decisions a decade and a half ago (or more) you should be ruined for life and never attempt to do anything again? I'v...

11 years ago
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

Pot start-ups pitch to angel investors there are 11 start-ups in total making their pitches, and they have put about $10 million to work in the 14 c...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

Politics 101 The senate and the presidency better reflect the popular will of the American people. A majority in each state if you will. The house r...

11 years ago
Re: Kennedy's assasination

It was Bush's fault!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! /blockquote> some pretty interesting stuff on the bushes, the CIA tie ...

11 years ago
Re: New bill for annual smog check?

Every city I have seen this type of program in has shown it to just be about money. and MOST those cities were in valley areas where it actually ...

11 years ago
Re: VA home loans

I closed a VA loan with FlagStar about a year ago.. went pretty smooth.

11 years ago
Re: Working Remotely for Stateside Companies

ving,i thought that was part of why they were established? Am i wrong? can anyone else chime in VI NGN, is that what you mean? they are just a fi...

11 years ago
Re: Is this the solution?

self reliance is always the answer, and honestly the ONLY real answer; in all matters, but especially self defense.

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

Missjustice, why do you defend a political party? are you so politically aligned with the D's that you feel personally insulted and that you have to r...

11 years ago
Re: Are Nobel Prizes a political joke?

All they want to talk about is Obamacare and freekin Benghazi. well benghazi is a pretty important issue when you look at the dirty underpinnings...

11 years ago
11 years ago
Re: more questions

That may be the way Washington works, but that's not how true research is done. (tu) there are a few good sources of info out there, but you...

11 years ago
Re: more questions

I'd be on board with the investigations if congress seemed interested in actual fact finding. Instead they wage hysterical tirades against the preside...

11 years ago
Re: Are Nobel Prizes a political joke?

i find it interesting that for this new killer they focus on the gun he had and not the knife or the car. he tried to kill with the car and he killed ...

11 years ago
Re: Are Nobel Prizes a political joke?

I'm hearing lots of left vs right in your posts... I chose not to take part in the self imposed divide and conquer struggle. The Inconvenient Tru...

11 years ago
Re: Solar to the extreme!!

That is not necessarily the case. I don't believe Choice has ever made a profit. viNGN's prices........don't believe the hype. they were so a...

11 years ago
Re: Innovative fiber optic

Many Evo customers have reported problems..... OK, stupid question #999 from a tech dummy - what's Evo? All you need is here:

11 years ago
Re: Run Soriya Run

It doesn't matter who wins or who loses in the VI. Nothing will change except that we'll be that much closer to the inevitable insolvency. We can't bo...

11 years ago
Re: Are Nobel Prizes a political joke?

All they want to talk about is Obamacare and freekin Benghazi. well benghazi is a pretty important issue when you look at the dirty underpinnings...

11 years ago
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