Noble Member
Joined: January 11, 2013 12:44 am
Topics: 45 / Replies: 1892
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

Medical marijuana laws may reduce painkiller overdoses (CNN) -- "We found there was about a 25% lower rate of prescription painkiller overdose ...

11 years ago
Re: Did Exon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

I agree sunshinefun. I can't find good chinese food here. Beijing in Scion farm and "china asia" (or something WAYYYY generic sounding) in golden...

11 years ago
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

Children's Deaths Prompt New York Governor's Bold Medical Marijuana Move New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) on Wednesday called for faster implementatio...

11 years ago
Re: Seatbelt scam...

Why not just obey the laws and pay your fines if caught? Silly concept, I know. why have silly laws? Why attempt to curtail human choice? ...

11 years ago
Re: anyone missing a dog

Catch her and PM me when you do, (do it near Thursday) I'll get her spay for free for you.

11 years ago
Re: Seatbelt scam...

Ive been driving around for a month with no license plate (it fell off or something I guess) with no issues. this place cracks me up, I enjoy it ...

11 years ago
Re: Global Analysis

And I suppose you support this Liquid? Why would my belief that man-made global warming is as real as santa clause mean I support people buying b...

11 years ago
Re: What I think about politics in the USA

I think the money behind both Democrats and Republicans, despite being liberal or conservative, want a civil war. Why? So martial law can be declared ...

11 years ago
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

The measure, if signed by Gov. John deJongh Jr., will place a non-binding referendum on the Nov. 4 ballot. The ballot question would be: "Should ...

11 years ago
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

so here is a question, should ALL drugs be made legal including crack, meth etc.... absolutely yes. AND, we should take about 1/20th of t...

11 years ago
Re: Goats as Tourist Attraction

I keep telling the visionless people in the VI that we can create attractions based on what's here, but nobody I know sees the vision. Somebody o...

11 years ago
Re: Did Exon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

We have not had a showing in nearly a month but prior to that, quite a number of showings. Not only did the perspective purchasers not purchase our h...

11 years ago
Re: Anyone here been to South Africa?

My dogs are from S africa.... anychance you could bring back a puppy for me while your there? we are trying to preserve the South African Bo...

11 years ago
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

It will become more and more clear, as time goes on, that this is an unstoppable avalanche movement. Once the reader disconnects their preconc...

11 years ago
Re: Did Exon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

So who is buying the houses? Management of what company? If you could identify 1 or 2 house numbers it's real easy to check the records to see wh...

11 years ago
Re: Did Exon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

FYI: Houses in the ~1mil range are apparently selling fast... we met a couple that looked at 5 places over the last 2 weeks and every single one ...

11 years ago
Re: insane conspiracy theories believed happened with the Malaysian Airlines "crash" in Ukraine

um, obviously there was an airliner shot down. i was speaking in general terms. you know like 9/11 or kennedy it seems unfair to the word "cons...

11 years ago
Re: insane conspiracy theories believed happened with the Malaysian Airlines "crash" in Ukraine

there is always a conspiracy theory when something tragic happens, people are always looking for some logical conclusion when there isnt always one ...

11 years ago
Re: Tibbar Energy ????

foxes= government officials who are making obviously wreck less choices to give these shady people money. A reasonable person would assume they are r...

11 years ago
Re: The face of the Democratic Party

I like getting slapped by the left hand so much better than the right hand; it's slightly gentler (though it leaves a slimy trail). Obama > bu...

11 years ago
Re: Did Exon Ink A deal for the Hovensa plant?

plenty of talk and nothing said More rumors abound, actual houses sold "management" moving into the island (again, from what I thought I could co...

11 years ago
Re: Tibbar Energy ????

So... what exactly is the issue here again? I think it is somewhere along the lines of having the fox guard the hen house... its more like t...

11 years ago
Re: Tibbar Energy ????

how do you think businesses function? Way to steriotype..... So they are here todo business, yeah thats true. Guess what, that's what capit...

11 years ago
Re: Chikungunya Virus

curious as well. I have had dengue twice and do not relish the idea of getting it or this other hope your friend is on the mend there are 6 ...

11 years ago
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