Noble Member
Joined: January 11, 2013 12:44 am
Topics: 45 / Replies: 1892
Re: Inequality for All

If you analyze the current global financial setting you will find that "Old money" owns everything and its just getting consolidated more and more. ...

10 years ago
Re: AT&T on STX - i-phone 4S now getting Invalid Sim

Pull your sim card out, use a pencil eraser and clean up the contacts and put it back, if that doesn't fix it it's time for a new card!

10 years ago
Re: Gone Forever Thanks To Illegal Wildlife Trade

So they are physically doing nothing to stop the illegal exploitation of these animals. With all the millions they raise working with a NGO/Governmen...

10 years ago
Re: Does anyone get as much joy as...

these are not vaccine issues, its nutrition issues. its hard to think differently, since we profit off sickness, but prevention is a much better ...

10 years ago
Re: Gone Forever Thanks To Illegal Wildlife Trade

Quite frankly, I don't care what you think, LF.

10 years ago
Re: Does anyone get as much joy as...

I just like arguing too... but also in real life. The rates of diseases may have been dropping but smallpox was eradicated by vaccination. Some of the...

10 years ago
Re: Furniture for Sale!! Moving Sale!!

Ice cream maker has been sold, as well as the sectional couch!! Make an offer on remaining items!! Everything must go this week!!! can you l...

10 years ago
Re: Does anyone get as much joy as...

You hit almost all of them. Throw in a big Pharma and you have em all. There is no mercury in any vaccine except the flu vaccine which you can get wit...

10 years ago
Re: Does anyone get as much joy as...

I do from trolling my anti vaccination friends on social media? So much woo so little time. Quick, Quick! Troll me! I don't want needle...

10 years ago
Re: Gone Forever Thanks To Illegal Wildlife Trade

The difference is only that serial killers do not normally hunt in massive groups to bring down a solitary target at a time. These people are worse th...

10 years ago
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

EXTRA EXTRA! Read all about it! USVI Celebrates the loss of a potential $1,800,000.00 in tax revenue! That would have fixed a LO...

10 years ago
Re: Refinery Sold, per Senator Nelson

Actually, he (Nelson) hasn't told us anything. In fact, he is just guessing. No names, times, dates, amounts. Not one piece of verifiable informatio...

10 years ago
Re: Refinery Sold, per Senator Nelson

IF true further proof that Nelson can't be trusted. care to elaborate?

10 years ago
Re: Wanted: IBM Model M Buckling Spring Keyboard

For some people (maybe a lot? I'm not sure) Dragon would be much slower; I type around 120 wpm, I can type much faster than I can talk and if I spoke ...

10 years ago
Re: Gone Forever Thanks To Illegal Wildlife Trade

Did you know that "Big Game" hunters are actually saving these spiecies and have brought them back to larger numbers than ever before due to the high ...

10 years ago
Re: CO2

Depends on the quality of life you want. historically global temperature and human society can be correlated (though this is not proof of causati...

10 years ago
Re: We've Reached a New Record For CO2 Levels in the Atmosphere, and it's Not Good!

If your the type of person that blindly follows "authority" then I guess the school system and government did a great job. However, if you are ab...

10 years ago
Re: Wanted: IBM Model M Buckling Spring Keyboard

your looking for the Michael Jordan rookie card of keyboards; if you want the functionality of the M just get a knock off from here:its much better pr...

10 years ago
Re: Wanted: IBM Model M Buckling Spring Keyboard

Are you a writer or just a retro geek? Good lord, 299 from this page...

10 years ago
Re: On Leaving (Again)

I am very ill, which is why I have to leave. I do not expect to see Christmas. IT at times like this, there are things that have been shown...

10 years ago
Re: We've Reached a New Record For CO2 Levels in the Atmosphere, and it's Not Good!

Go ahead and continue to stick your head in the sand and rely on prehistoric data. I prefer data and logic, that seems to work best.

10 years ago
Re: We've Reached a New Record For CO2 Levels in the Atmosphere, and it's Not Good!

Guess you haven't seen any changes in climate where you liive. And I guess you don't know what a logical Fallacy is? (this one is refered to as: ...

10 years ago
Re: Territory Introduced to Internet 20 Years Ago with FreeNet

Broadband VI. Yup, BBVI for sure, plus Mike M. (the owner) is also the chairman of the board for the Animal Wellfare Center; and his wife (Dr M.)...

10 years ago
Re: Territory Introduced to Internet 20 Years Ago with FreeNet

and now we have some of the worst internet in the world! the US is lagging behind so much....

10 years ago
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

Hemp fibres 'better than graphene' They "cooked" cannabis bark into carbon nanosheets and built supercapacitors "on a par with or better than graphe...

10 years ago
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