Noble Member
Joined: January 11, 2013 12:44 am
Topics: 45 / Replies: 1892
Re: Best Hair Stylist on STX?

Gail @ the Buccaneer, she handles their destination wedding styling.

10 years ago
Re: Ebola Zaire Virus

how about they come out and say " Hey guess what, theres only been 5 cases of ebola in the last year in the US with just one fatality.. THERE IS ...

10 years ago
Re: another murder

I did four pmv's to STT. Got the paper sent to my house in the states for two years prior to the move. Read the Settlers Handbook two times cover to c...

10 years ago
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

Huge majority thinks 'war on drugs' has failed, new poll finds An overwhelming majority also believes that the so-called "war on drugs" is futile...

10 years ago
Re: another murder

I've lived all over the world and never had to deal with so much gunfire as on STX. Sad sad sad. Love that island, but man is it circling the to...

10 years ago
Re: CZM sells us out, once again!

This is a great victory for St. John. Can we have a new resort and marina on STX please? until the right people are paid off, nothing will move f...

10 years ago
Re: Refinery Sold, per Senator Nelson

Weekly Tanker report. Very interesting!!!! /blockquote> retooling to process 350,000 b/d of light crude... not bad at all, that's a bit...

10 years ago
Re: Tibbar Energy ????

Yup I sure am; but my direction is much more altruistic. You're painting a pretty picture of corruption and shady dealings; it matches perfectly ...

10 years ago
Re: Tibbar Energy ????

remind me again which of you is creating jobs on this island?

10 years ago
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

Two important things, Jury nullification (Power to the people!) and Drug war undercutting (More power to the people!) Acquitted Of Marijuana Charges...

10 years ago
Re: Inequality for All

LF - You might want to back off calling anyone that thinks there is a role for a central bank a Keynesian. Non-Keynesians like Milton Friedman an...

10 years ago
Re: Inequality for All

Thanks for the tip 😉 I do actually know enough about it that firms and organizations fly me to their states to give talks on monetary policy, so I'...

10 years ago
Re: Inequality for All

here's a great example of what the Central bank in the US has given us, if the dates aren't clear (they should be) I can explain further. T...

10 years ago
Re: Inequality for All

I don't even know where to start on this one. So far, bitcoin has had 10x the volatility of most every currency - where is the stability in that? ...

10 years ago
Re: Does anyone get as much joy as...

so you think if we stop all vaccines that there will be no marked increase in the spread of those diseases? there's some evidence that there wou...

10 years ago
Re: I've been avoiding the whole Middle-East discussion...

Thoughts? yes, ISIL, ISIS, what ever they are being called now is far too well equipped to be an organic group. it seems clear that over the...

10 years ago
Re: Inequality for All

My assessment: We either start using decentralized crypto currency (BITCOIN) or continue to revel in our surfdom. Just curious, how would somethi...

10 years ago
Re: You got your toys taken away

For time immorandum, people have complained about border security. Just how many times has something like an MRAP been useful or called for? Nev...

10 years ago
Re: Inequality for All

should they make sure all of the uneducated, the one who do not want to work , the poor-should they really need t give their money away? No they ...

10 years ago
Re: Economic Considerations: Colorado exceeds 5 million in recreational cannabis sales in one week

So it looks like the "slow creep" is the tactic here eh? This seems like a very tentative move by some "un sure" individuals... "Testing the wate...

10 years ago
Re: You got your toys taken away

his finger is not on the trigger, it's next to it. & with an unsecured southern boarder he kind of has a valid point.

10 years ago
Re: Does anyone get as much joy as...

/blockquote> thats bad data, look at the historical runs, Vaccines only "work" because the disease is already in decline when they are adminis...

10 years ago
Re: AT&T on STX - i-phone 4S now getting Invalid Sim

your SIM card goes into a slot on the side of the Iphone 4, you must press a paper clip or needle into that hole which will raise the "sim tray" so yo...

10 years ago
Re: Inequality for All

Depending on your definition of "Old money", By my count, 14 out of the top 25 richest Americans are "New Money". Step out and develop the next Micro...

10 years ago
Re: Refinery Sold, per Senator Nelson

Y'all have fun now! I really do hope for the best but you should keep track of who is doing is what to whom and what the costs are going to be befo...

10 years ago
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