I haven't voiced and opinion other than noting your fluid belief in the value of human life. Can you remind me who posted the following: "when i...
Hey, LF STT is pretty darned beautiful as is STJ. So stick to what you do know. Never been to STJ but I'm sure it's just like the other two,...
We need a few new resorts on St. Croix, that's for sure. the beauty of STX is that it's NOT STT... STT reminds me of hawaii, it's a fast ...
No more Customs forms going out any more. was this recently?
Isn't he the one that had the foster children removed. They were his main source of income. yes and no. here's an article on it: Robert ...
I know the idea that the federal government can't own land is nonsense and Kleepe v. New Mexico is precedent. Really? Did you hear that on CNN?...
There are still yahoos hold up in the compound vowing to become martyrs. Sad. I hope they don't give them that wish. The anti government militia types...
Panem et Circenses oldest tactic in the book 😉 “On January 22, 2015 I met with Mr. Karl Holtz, President of New Vacation Operations a...
The release said they were both shot in the head. Either the shooter is a trained Navy SEAL sniper or they were murdered premeditatedly (or both, hehe...
Deal drugs or deal with drug dealers,.....Deal with the consequences..... Location and/or color of skin is irrelevant. Thank you "war on drugs"...
Quality Handyman Services Jorge Puig STXQualityHandyman@gmail.com 732-606-7902 very skilled & an electrician to boot!
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”-- George Carlin (tu)
I try to be considerate and leave some for at least one other person. I feel fortunate to get what I did, so don't want to be greedy. I have kids...
when ever I see that happen I clean them out.... I'd say at least 45% of my diet is butter.
Just wondering, would you pay more taxes here in the US Virgin Islands or the states? I already know I have the winning ticket...hehehe :@) ...
"....I'd rather see people spend resources on the "meteor" situation which we KNOW exists than something that we can't show exists (ie increasing alga...
Man's activity has got to have a negative impact on the health of the planet. It is a variable that didn't exist for eons in the past. You c...
Go to Facebook. Look up group Contrived Platitudes. It was a joke for one. Me. It is still funny to me. I miss out on a lot of references these d...
I need a Contrived Platitude to English translation this sentence makes no sense... humans are the epitome of the term contrive... any plati...
My problem here is that what are the alternatives to controlling stray poultry population on islands if we save and free up all the roosters? Rooster ...
Fact-checking has never been LF's strong suit. Btw, your attacking me personally is another logical fallacy: ad hominem lets discuss the issue sh...
/blockquote> we are certainly in some turbulent times! Fact-checking has never been LF's strong suit. Huh? Correlation does not...
At this point, I'm not sure anyone has the answers to the long-term problems, just band aid solutions. It will probably be a long, messy fight...and w...
One has to start somewhere. If there's NO law, then there's NO hope of enforcement, ever. but... there IS a law.... Well cynic...
In addition to these specific quotes, every single article talks about the algal blooms increasing in frequency or area of impact. Guess I skimme...