Ken Mapp has a master's degree from Harvard. /blockquote> More proof of how "useful" college degrees are when judging competency... (not...
If you want to rely on a document written 230 years ago by racist, sexist men with a quill pen and no idea of the future go for it. If you want to get...
Where is the open mic night?? Roman Polanski stadium?? Hmm, must be STT.. damn, no open mic yet on STX.
If you live in the west and work in the east, you'll be driving into the very bright sun both ways. This describes my work commute, luckily I liv...
I'm pretty sure it's a limo rental thing.. I've seen it around a few times.
East Ender's advice is sound. Even thinking of opening your own business before living here for a few years is, in my opinion, foolhardy. The majori...
Wish we could all afford to pa $6500 just for shipping.. Lucky you Start a business, those numbers become less intimidating after. on averag...
Jeeze LF, Aren't you afraid of your dog getting bitten or badly stung by something?. He could have an allergic reaction and there could be severe ...
my wife taught our dog to "get" spiders and, well anything "crawly"... it was awesome until she transferred it to things that "fly" also... now she'll...
I got no free drinks and a lot of weird looks; must not have run into you....
It must be your crappy 10 line. Less than an hour all but one time (about 2 hrs) for us this winter. And I can count them on one hand. I'm pretty...
with the cost of shipping a vehicle at close to $2000.00 by the time you add the freight cost and insurance charges, it makes it more understandable w...
used cars here are exorbitantly expensive... I've seen stuff go for 6,000 that I wouldn't normally pay 1,500 for elsewhere; but it's hard to get them ...
. If necessary, these service interruptions must take place during peak load times (preferably early evening) So tomorrow night might not be the ...
New Tesla Electric Vehicles [ 200 miles avg on a single full charge as advertised ] will be assembled in Nevada USA as announced this week to lower co...
. If necessary, these service interruptions must take place during peak load times (preferably early evening) So tomorrow night might not be the ...
We went over to the Coconut Cup on Sunday with guests. We checked it out but the problem with that area is that it's too rocky at the water's edge to ...
with a user name like that I bet you are going to be looking for a way to clean out all the spam you'll soon be receiving (haha). Move with 10...
The islands that relay more on air travelers to balance cruise industry do much better by creating lots of service jobs. Ugh I HATE people who do...
So he's not a fascist by the technical definition, but he's still a horrible human being. just like basically every politician, especially in thi...
hi does anyone know who on stx takes stray kittens to get them adopted? i know there is the animal shelter-do they kill if an animal isnt adopted...
Found this intresting. FORD is undoubtedly an American company. 6% Customs Fees in the USVI are applied to all products not made in the USA. A vehic...
I, too, have seen many television commercials promoting the islands. People still watch TV? with commercials and everything? Supposedly C...
Sometimes putting VA as the state for places w/o VI on the drop down list works. Just put in the right zip code and stuff will arrive. I do this ...
My business Lyric Sails offers sunset sails with live music (also a unique attraction). Been operational since December and opening a storefront in Fr...