Noble Member
Joined: January 11, 2013 12:44 am
Topics: 45 / Replies: 1892
Re: Saw my first Visit VI commercial

Funny how we went from a VI commercial to this.... Sorry. I got defensive. I only meant a light jab if nothing else at your paragraph of pol...

9 years ago
Re: Saw my first Visit VI commercial

If something big is happening in the world, I read up on HuffPo. News channels are all ratings whores and no one is going to change my opinions at thi...

9 years ago
Re: Safe places to live on St. Croix

Where was that copied and pasted from? Here:

9 years ago
Re: Saw my first Visit VI commercial

Never understood why Fox is designated by so many to be outside the MSM frame. Super easy, it's the only "non-liberal" channel so it technically...

9 years ago
Re: Saw my first Visit VI commercial

I thought they were 80% BS. Have to wonder how supposedly intelligent people can spout or believe so much crap that mistakenly is labeled "news." ...

9 years ago
Re: Safe places to live on St. Croix

I love etymology, thanks for the info!

9 years ago
Re: Saw my first Visit VI commercial

Don't watch MSN, either. "MSM" is also an acronym for Main Stream Media... which is funny because he was telling you to watch ANOTHER main stream...

9 years ago
Re: Safe places to live on St. Croix

Maybe that's on STT, but on STX, most transplants are inbred hicks. .... Said Netanyahu re: Palestine. Absurdly (though not surprisingly ...

9 years ago
Re: WAPA and estimated bills

your new smart meter is probably broken... haha

9 years ago
Re: Thinking of using a moped to get around?

Scooter and motorcycle rental businesses shouldn't be allowed to operate on STT/STJ in my opinion. . so you're of the opinion that people are st...

9 years ago
Re: Safe places to live on St. Croix

Couldn't tell you. I avoid going to the hospital if at all possible! That's always been my approach (no matter where I am), worked well so far!

9 years ago
Re: Safe places to live on St. Croix

Zika and dengue cause rashes. and the ER is going to do what for you? Dengue: Zika: chikungunya: Sure they'll take your mo...

9 years ago
Re: Safe places to live on St. Croix

That hospital is a mess the ER is a joke. The only way you get in and out quick is if you are a prisoner or a criminal. Hmm, they fixed my shatte...

9 years ago
Re: Bug Bites!

What in the heck is an essential oil? What makes it so essentisl to me? Only oil I know that we can't live without is crude oil. This will e...

9 years ago
Re: Thinking of using a moped to get around?

Smart wife. Sometimes dying isn't the worst that can happen. I shattered my knee last year... cant walk with out pain now. Still ride 😉 ...

9 years ago
Re: Respecting the beliefs of others

TL;DR summary? Religion is bad, the us isn't based on religion. (so much easier that way)

9 years ago
Re: Polaris Ranger ATV

Green two-seater with a pickup bed, right? Those and Gators were all over the FOBs. Yup, if you were LUCKY it still had a windshield too! (otherw...

9 years ago
Re: Polaris Ranger ATV

Best check with BMV. Terrain is different on STT/STJ. Much more mountainous and steep. Thats pretty much what they are designed for 😉 ...

9 years ago
Re: Polaris Ranger ATV

you can on St Croix.. I'd assume it's the same there. Ive seen a Razr with a road conversion kit here, a guy in the airforce daily drives it.

9 years ago
Re: Medical marijuana debate

A single plant can produce as much as $14,000 worth of pot. The average grow room can hold well over 100 plants, which makes each room worth an astoni...

9 years ago
Re: Our Oceans Are Reaching the Climate Change Tipping Point, Warn Scientists

Now we have another "human" issue attacking our oceans. It seems washing our synthetic fabrics is discharging an incredible amount of synthetic fibers...

9 years ago
Re: Medical marijuana debate

I follow evidence. The overwhelming majority of evidence shows mankind is at least partly responsible for climate change, I won't even get into the sc...

9 years ago
Re: Medical marijuana debate

the vast majority of evidence of man made global warming. that was sarcastic, right? or do you believe in THAT "theory" but not others?? ...

9 years ago
Re: Medical marijuana debate

Do you know how much money "Big Pharma" would make from isolating the chemical components that cure cancer from weed (if it existed) CBD's do exi...

9 years ago
Re: "Several" new brand-name hotels on STX?

They just leased ag land for a fish farm for $100 a year. You're a non profit, ask for a donation! Jeebus.. I'd pay 100$ a year for some pastur...

9 years ago
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