Does anyone with knowledge or insight have any predictions about what will happen? How will we all be affected? Well, since the hopsital, power, ...
Also when is he going to release his Tax returns? Why is the tax thing an issue? it's not a requirement to release your taxes.. I don't get this ...
In 2014 121 people were murdered in Malibu Is that link correct for malibu 2014 statistics? It shows 0 murders for 2014 when i click it. hah...
I am one who supports tough gun controls. cause making it harder for law abiding citizens to protect them selves is a just cause! If the USV...
Doesn't it take as much energy to produce ethanol and mix it with our gasoline as it creates? In other words " Does it save us from using oil" ? or i...
I have seen many articles which refer to Francis Bellamy as a Christian Socialist but none which label him a communist. socialist, sorry, that's ...
Anyone who thinks everything here is hunky-dory is on Fantasy Island. If you feel completely safe here you must not ever leave the house. I almost nev...
My husband and I are thinking about moving to St. Croix. My parents would be coming with us. They are 75. I am worried about hopitals/doctors/healt...
Once again I've just come to the conclusion that Trump supporters are just STUPID (other people may think they are bigots, sexists and other bad thing...
the crime problem) I can not blame them for deciding to go to Malibu rather than Megan's Bay. In 2014 121 people were murdered in Malibu The...
there are a lot ( not sure if photoshopped ) of him hugging many many women from behind. a little creepy, but maybe they all know him well enough...
maybe if they stop subsidizing the farmers, we can get soy and corn syrup out of all our food the only reason there IS corn syrup is because corn...
I love the insane amount of wealth, our homeless people are better taken care of than the working class of many countries. I've been to a few pla...
Still so many people are so scared about everything when in reality it's a fairly small risk. Fear and sex, the two fall backs of everyone trying...
But really, imagine if it had been a bernie/trump race? Bernie would have taken the race... Unless clintion goes to prison, I think DJT was basic...
First, the EPA, now the USDA. What a guy. All you trumpsters should start feeling pretty special, soon. /blockquote> Hahaha, name ONE th...
Trump plans to ban the EPA from funding science, report says /blockquote> The conflict of interest there is so huge I'm surprised you missed ...
Struggling U.S. farm sector faces new threat as TPP dies /blockquote> struggling... haha!!! Did you know the US subsidizes food growth t...
I know of people who have change vacation plans, not coming to the VI and opting to go to California instead. those people clearly have no abilit...
Yep. The first step is to admit you have a problem. Good job.
im thrilled with this. I just hope the honeymoon lasts at least a year... I'm not too sure that this president is anything but "obama" for the r...
No fair. Y'all have had the experience of bashing Obama and his administration for 8 years, now. Hmm, I don't recall anyone being as frantic as ...
Thanks for the imput, I was pointing it out that it's still some what of a threat especially since I have seen quite a few young couple looking to mak...
More "Alternative Facts?" do you make popcorn and take notes when you watch the MSM? or do you naturally just remember the talking points, for la...
Perchance, you should get you facts straight or are they "alternative facts" that trump and his minions are so fond of. so you really are ju...