(other than stranding permanent residents around the globe),. Thats not happeing, read the text. this is NOTHING NEW, the same 7 countries O...
I believe President Trump will go down in history as having saved our free society from emotional stupidity by invoking common sense. he seems he...
If he really wants to "protect" America, why isn't Saudi Arabia and Egypt on the ban instead of countries where terrorists don't come from? Bec...
Keep drinking that koolaid, gumbo. have you tried it?
this is a very busy year for us... you'll see dramatically more activity than before, just exercises, nothing to worry about.
Trump is a monster. He is unfit to be president. He is a bigger threat to America than ISIL. 5 8 13 almost a haiku (suppose to be 5/7/5...
If a vet has been treating your cat for some time, it wouldn't hurt to ask if they would post date the health certificate. If they don't, then make an...
Citylist, I assume you are asking me that question? Absolutely NOTHING has happened to him, and most likely won't until our attorney continues to bug...
The government should not prohibit people from doing anything to their own bodies, ever. First because prohibition not only doesn't work, it make...
Someone painted around a couple craters, in fluorescent pink, on the road between 4 Corners and the gas station (STT), labeled them MAPPHOLES. They we...
Amazing new restaurant in F'sted just north of Lost Dog (on the west side of the road). Cibone` They make the menu up every day based on ...
Once again, what does this have to do with moving to the USVI? Please move post elsewhere... again! well, we had women's marches here, this ...
Thanks for the replies. I am a confident rider so motorcycle seems like a good choice. I'll be moving to STT btw. I thought we were talking STX.....
It was called "Women's March" because it was started and sponsored by women's rights groups. Nothing more. The fact that it grew beyond that speaks vo...
No cops, no firefighters, no EMS, no hospitals, no food stamps. It may get interesting Food stamps are federal aren't they? those won't stop...
I'd advise against a scooter, a nice on road / off road motorcycle would be fine (mine handles the pot holes I don't dodge); but a car is probably bes...
there seems to be such an heightened amount of sheer disrespect for others it has me worried about the future of our society. I too now find myself lo...
We used to seal the driveway almost every summer by in Canada. wasn't that mostly to prevent ice from getting into cracks etc? I guess it's ...
So, you are happy living there? Thanks, again! J I love my location,it's afforded me a lot of opportunities.. plus I love the vibe out west ...
it would seem that obama, bush, clinton have all had gag orders. super common.. I swear, some people are just now finally realizing what has alwa...
you learn a little about what foods are good and which are bad. Look into time-restricted eating... I've been doing it for 2 years.. amazing! ...
the perpatrator is licensed to carry also (even though it is a relatively well known fact on island that he is a drug runner)...doesn't matter though....
Looks like gov has 7-10 days cash on hand. Unlikely that they can borrow more money. The end is near. I honestly did not think it would be that ...
Good Afternoon! We are moving to St Croix on March 8th, but leaving our town on February 25h. The "Moving with pets" section states the health cer...
It would be more of a wasted of money to buy in an area you really didn't like. There's two distinct divisions on STX, "east and west" and then s...