Will be having a long talk about the politics and effects on everyday life. . It makes for interesting conversation... that's about as much eff...
Just thought that people living on island can provide information as the crisis (?) continues. Austerity measures are projected to be implemented...
He is so narcissistic or just dumb, I haven't figured that one out yet. Why not both?
It is troublesome that there are a couple hundred red tail boa constrictors on STX according to several sources. Some as long as 5-6 feet have been si...
"I'll regret not trying the rest of my life if I don't attempt this." This is probably the biggest reason many of us end up here. 😉 My d...
Sorry, I read the transcript from Trumps press conference last week. "TRUMP: Mike Flynn is a fine person, and I asked for his resignation. He respectf...
Flynn was fired over lying to the VP about discussions with the Russians . Potus said so himself on camera no, that's not it at all, do you just...
i find it interesting that those looking to back up their conspiracy claim will never look at any evidence that does not support their conspiracy. ...
From one search - Grady Judd in Polk County FL does not let politics get in his way of getting the bad guys nor letting others know of his arrests. ...
How many arrests were made in the previous month? I looked into it... None. Something is happening here, global child sex slave rings are be...
Good news but what's it have to so with Trump? Nothing I'm sure, those types of operations take months or years to come to fruition. I thou...
So it's bring refurbished? Odd time of year for upgrades? hasn't it been closed and for sale for a while?
Hard to argue with the number of pedophiles that have been arrested under Trump... if nothing else this is great news: etc... ...
Can't you bring 2 on plane in cabin with you and the other 3 in cargo on same plane you're traveling on? You can't fly on an Airbus plane but you ca...
I guess you guys have some good food over there, eh? /blockquote> I believe it... there's some good talent here.
There are vastly more species extent, than alive today.. Why do we think this would stop? Silly humans.
the eclipse is suppose to be around 6:14PM EST and yes.. all three, tonight 🙂
My hope for DeVos is that she dismantle the Department of Education and return education to the states. My hope for Trump is that he dismantle much ...
I've yet to run into anyone who was actually fined, though. The VIPD didn't even cite the guy whose roaming dogs tore up my dog. Even when they saw t...
"In the VI, most government workers SHOULD be replaced by robots.' Many can be replaced by basic automation. But automation and efficiency means ...
Have to say that's one of the things I'm enjoying about living stateside. Free shipping and delivery to your doorstep! It's very nice! I'm digging i...
Look, at this point, I'd be encouraged if the man could/would read!! This morning's tweets show that this is not the case. Never used twitter,...
simulated disaster response You are a little late, election and swearing in already happened That wasn't simulated, that's reality 😉
Seems to me Trump has a lot in common with Hitler. Propaganda and alternative truths, denial of facts. Your opinion, definitely not "fact". ...
War games or peaceful takeover? :} simulated disaster response