Noble Member
Joined: January 11, 2013 12:44 am
Topics: 45 / Replies: 1892
Re: bathtub reglazer

ISO someone to reglaze a bathtub. Thanks they sell kits in HomeDepot, I looked at one and it doesn't seem too difficult 😉

8 years ago
Re: Cockpit

Cockfighting is legal. Dogfighting isn't. technically both are illegal. Federal law still applies here (or is suppose to).

8 years ago
Re: new president

37% approval rating. The deal with Trump is the same deal with Bernie to me. Populists make promises they can't keep (not that other politicians ...

8 years ago
Re: new president

The entitlements are unsustainable at this point. "It is not, perhaps, unreasonable to conclude, that a pure and perfect democracy is a thing not...

8 years ago
Re: Anyone see the site that they are putting that new hotel/resort??

But who's going to blink first? hotels won't build without airlift, airlines won't add without hotels. there's a few projects in the works... fig...

8 years ago
Re: new president

/blockquote> I hardly consider that one anybody significant. not a public figure at all really, just some nobody from WA. (small town mayors are ...

8 years ago
Re: Anyone see the site that they are putting that new hotel/resort??

what we need here are small "mom and pop" hotels with 10-15 rooms and a small bar to serve drinks and snack during he day no full blown meals. That wa...

8 years ago
Re: new president

Yes, and Obama hung in effigy and depicted as an ape, and . . . Still laughing. oh yeah? please show me ONE public figure that did that. ...

8 years ago
Re: new president

As for them having more dignity and more respect for his predecessor, well, maybe I'll comment on that later. It's hard to type when I'm laughing so h...

8 years ago
Re: Health insurance, new question 🙂

Liquid Flouride has been a conspiracy theorist in regards to them. . I think vaccines should be voluntary, hardly a conspiracy there... haha.

8 years ago
Re: Health insurance, new question 🙂

Vaccines are compassion. Red piller types "know" of vaccines are bad. They aren't. They lack compassion and the ability to understand science so....

8 years ago
Re: Sharpening

there was a place in the courtyard by purple papaya that sold knives and stuff like that. maybe he is still there and can do it he died a while b...

8 years ago
Re: new president

Hollywood white people. Lololololol jumping on the racism bandwagon now? well, that IS high on the regressive agenda list.... FUCK WHITE PEO...

8 years ago
Re: Health insurance, new question 🙂

who was attacking vaccines? That's another logical fallacy called "Straw man", basically it's what you do when the argument isn't going your way,...

8 years ago
Re: Health insurance, new question 🙂

I don't think I will be getting a lesson on virtue or compassion from someone who thinks vaccines are harmful. logical fallacy: Ad Hominem (to th...

8 years ago
Re: Health insurance, new question 🙂

i just stated what i read. what others read might be different Hmmm. I prefer to read articles relying on more comprehensive data from places lik...

8 years ago
Re: Health insurance, new question 🙂

The difference with people who truly have empathy and compassion is they do things without announcing them to the world, the ones who are constantly t...

8 years ago
Re: Health insurance, new question 🙂

Like I said Galt's Gulch is still selling lots. It is libertarian utopia just hear. The rest of us are part of a society where, dang it, we have to ta...

8 years ago
Re: Health insurance, new question 🙂

But do I value what you say?? LMAO Yep,another ad hominem... better question, do you comprehend what I say?

8 years ago
Re: USVI future fiscal turnaround?

GERS should be liquidated now...lying to all those employees about the benefits they're never going to see is cruel and fraudulent. yeah, just li...

8 years ago
Re: Health insurance, new question 🙂

Typical mentality. "F@ck you, I got mine." The dude who wrote that book referenced above is a venture capitalist working for Peter Thiel, who...

8 years ago
Re: new president

So by taking the salary and giving it away now he's not only costing the tax payers the $400,000 presidents are supposed to get but he'll cost us anot...

8 years ago
Re: Health insurance, new question 🙂

At least the top 1% will get a $600 billion dollar tax cut which I'm sure they will use in their gracious hearts to help out the 20 million who will l...

8 years ago
Re: new president

Wow. How totally unsurprising. /blockquote> that there is a transition between presidents? well, at least you didn't fall for the rhetoric ...

8 years ago
Re: Zika continues

the same hyperbole for ebola is being used for this well you gotta scare people to approve the monies! How much was spent on Ebola again? $1...

8 years ago
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