But breeding (or trying to) is fun! Why should educated people miss out?!?
Good for you! I am a single woman living here - although I hooked up with some good people. I lived on St. Croix for 3 years but St. Thomas is a dif...
Having lived on STX - I can say that STT is a totally different animal! I would love for a local to show me around and help me get acclamated. I've ...
Having lived on STX - I can say that STT is a totally different animal! I would love for a local to show me around and help me get acclamated. I've ...
and I you Troy!
Well, today I received my regular parcel post insured package. But haven't seen my priority mail yet! Gotta love it!
I do hold a Montana Medical Marijuana patient card. It was recommended to me for my severe pain from Fibromyalgia and my stomach issues due to my Cel...
Do you chopper over? Serious question.
We'll see soon. I just mailed one yesterday Priority Mail to STT and another today, parcel but insured. Anyone want to make bets?
Damn, and here I was gonna put my name in the hat for him!
Well, I'm with you then!
When I came down to STX in 2005, my plan was to stay for 30 days. I was very lucky. I found a job and housing within 2 weeks and never used my retur...
Alright, looks like we either take a chance on having a pavillion/grill without a reservation now, or we postpone the picnic. If I don't hear from a ...
That's fine, but someone needs to get to the office and put the deposit down on Monday or we lose the pavillion. I need people to speak up with their...
TRW - I just fell off my chair at the visual that created! Thank you! Life would be so boring without you!
As it will change again, seems BIll has shifted slightly North of the last predicted path.
Are you alright?!? Can someone help secure your boat for you? I've been through major abd. surgery - 7 times over! Slit from side to side hip to hi...
You can buy travel insurance up to the day you travel. Go to AA.com and find their travel insurance agent. Your flight doesn't have to be with AA I ...
Michael, Not sure which one of you is more crazy!! I wish someone would stand up in one of his town halls and ask if we can all have HIS health ins...
Just got off the phone with AA. They said that they watch it all closely and if they cancel they offer you to rebook at no fee. They post it on thei...
I'm for it Terry - with 2 storms back to back ...
Travel insurance Tam. You can buy it even now for your trip. I fly in on Friday - coming thru Miami.
In light of the TS Ana due to hit the islands on Monday night/Tuesday, my suggestion would be we postpone our get together for a week or two. Please ...
sharkhunter, you are the one who broached the subject of my connection with USVI NORML. I didn't mention it at all till you brought it up and persecu...