I met the couple who is opening the place at the Tattoo Artist Exhibition at Seven minus Seven over the weekend. I can't for the life of me remember ...
Do you have a job already or money to survive for a few months? If not - think twice. Groceries run 2-3 times what they do stateside. Electric bills...
How much for rent?
When is the one in Bordeaux?
I want to know why in the hell can't you turn right out of the entry by Mc Donald's. I mean I understand, but I always forget and have to cut across ...
And the SPARTANS take it in OT!!!! 26-20
Born and raised just southwest of East Lansing in Marshall! It's gonna be a great game!
It's at the west end of Yacht Haven Grande, where they have redone the intersection - heading west you curve to the left - you go straight to go towar...
Do you have a car? What looks close to town may be up a major hill and be a very long walk or costly taxi ride.
I've been there many times and I'm lost reading these directions! LOL~ Good luck! My roommate gives me directions - he's been here almost 12 ye...
Sounds like you've invested way more time and effort to try to get $45 back than it's probably worth. I understand "It's the principle" thing, but yo...
Call St. Peter's Great House and ask how to reach Chef D'Marice. She is wonderful! Everything she does is top notch! Or call Merchant's Market on S...
anything left?
It's on the main drag (Northside road, where it turns coming into Christiansted. There is housing behind the shopping center. It is on bus and taxi ...
call me at 774-1119 St. Thomas. Interested in some items.
Sharon, I live on St. Thomas and would be interested. I am a 47 yr old grandmother from Michigan. Please contact me at either lovingadler@gmail.co...
Anita, Where is the Francios complex - I suppose I'm asking for directions.
Troy, Planning on the 23rd Linda
[Look I hope you succeed, but I don't know how many many many times I've heard this. Locals DO NOT, and I can not stress that enough want outsiders h...
Again, I would contact the Recruitment Office at the VIPD. I am the daughter of a retired police officer and in fact emailed the Police Commissioner ...
If no one responds to you privately, try reaching the Recruitment office of the VIPD and see if they can get you in contact with someone from whichev...
It was an awesome time! Not a huge turnout but great just the same. Good people, good food, great message! It was all about it takes a village to r...
Reno is where my daughter and I converge when stateside. She lives in Mammoth Lakes, CA and heads to Reno every chance she gets. Next year we'll be ...